News - Nouvelles
December 2022 - Décembre 2022
Happy holidays season to all! Wish you wonderful moments surrounded by your loved ones. Let's remember to take some time for self-care, mindfulness and also be there as a support to our loved ones. We also shall remember all the families and patients that we care for, and I wish them the most beautiful holidays season despite being in the hospital - you are my source of inspiration and strength. Finally, wish to all a happy new year, filled of health, success, joy, happiness and achievements. Thank you for following the NeoCardioLab. I remain open to suggestions to augment the content of this portal in 2023!
Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année à tous ! Je vous souhaite de merveilleux moments entourés de vos proches. N'oublions pas de prendre du temps pour prendre soins de nous même et nous ressourcer, d'être également là pour soutenir nos proches. Nous nous souvenons également de toutes les familles et des patients dont nous prenons soins, et je leur souhaite le plus beau des temps des fêtes malgré leur hospitalisation - vous êtes ma source d'inspiration et de force. Enfin, je souhaite à tous une bonne et heureuse année, remplie de santé, de réussite, de joie, de bonheur et de réalisations. Merci de suivre le NeoCardioLab. Je reste ouvert aux suggestions pour améliorer le contenu de ce portail en 2023 !
Congratulations to Sam Amar, who presented his poster on Fetal Coarctation at the 8th Annual Child Health and Human Development Program - Research Day on November 25th, 2022 (Montreal, McGill University Health Centre - Research Institute). Here is a picture of the poster.
Félicitations à Sam Amar, qui a présenté son affiche sur la coarctation fœtale lors du 8e Programme annuel sur la santé de l'enfant et le développement humain - Journée de la recherche le 25 novembre 2022 (Montréal, Centre universitaire de santé McGill - Institut de Recherche). Voici une photo de l'affiche.
Congratulations to Dr Joanne Delaney for the publication of her article on Thrombocytopenia in the context of prematurity and maternal hypertension! You can read the article here.
Félicitations au Dr Joanne Delaney pour la publication de son article sur la Thrombocytopénie dans le contexte de la prématurité et de l'hypertension maternelle ! Vous pouvez lire l'article ici.
Full Citation: Delaney J, Nunes GC, Simoneau J, Beltempo M, Malhamé I, Goudie C, Altit G. Thrombocytopenia and neonatal outcomes among extremely premature infants exposed to maternal hypertension. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022 Dec 7:e30131. doi: 10.1002/pbc.30131. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36478101.
I would like to thank Ms Emilie St-Germain and Ms Laila Wazneh, senior neonatal nurse practitioners at the Montreal Children's Hospital, for their beautiful and comprehensive presentation on Vein of Galen malformation. They have accepted to share the content of their presentation here. You can also find it under the Vein of Galen Malformation section. Please see further cases here.
Je tiens à remercier Mme Emilie St-Germain et Mme Laila Wazneh, infirmières praticiennes en néonatologie à l'Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants, pour leur présentation sur la malformation anévrismale de la veine de galien. Ils ont accepté de partager ici le contenu de leur présentation. Vous pouvez également la trouver dans la section sur la malformation anévrismale de la veine de galien. Voir plus de cas ici.
It was really a pleasure to join Dejeun'aide for its Breakfast with Leaders (7th edition). The funds are going to the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation.
Ce fut vraiment un plaisir de rejoindre Dejeun'aide pour son Petit Déjeuner avec les Leaders (7e édition). Les fonds iront à la Fondation de l'Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants.
November 2022 - Novembre 2022
November 24, 2022
Disclaimer: This is not science / evidenced-based 🙃, but I should definitely publish on it!! Tips to everyone doing echocardiography scans in the NICU - IT WORKS: I always put music and bundle the baby before I start the echocardiography scan. It works better than any sucrose, sedation or pacifier. The babies and their families love it (in the person holding the probe too 😅). So just as a tip, start your music (I use classical music - playlists with piano: Ludovico Einaudi, Peaceful Piano, and Alexandra Stréliski are a must). It really make a big difference. I use to work with an imaging technologist, and she used to think it was like magic!! So start your playlists, and the families and babies will love you ;). Be sure to follow infection control measures and do not put phones or players in the bed of the baby! But you can keep your device clean on the ECHO machine, preferably in a Ziploc bag that you can clean appropriately. Gabriel Altit.
Avis de non-responsabilité : ces conseils ne sont pas pas basés sur la science 🙃, mais je devrais absolument publier ce le sujet ! Conseils à tous ceux qui effectuent des échocardiographies à l'USIN - CELA MARCHE: Je mets toujours de la musique et je blottis le bébé avant de commencer l'échocardiographie. Cela fonctionne mieux que n'importe quel sucrose, sédatif ou sucette. Les bébés et leurs familles adorent ça (et la personne qui tient la sonde aussi 😅). Alors juste un conseil, démarrez votre musique (j'utilise de la musique classique - listes avec du piano : Ludovico Einaudi, Peaceful Piano et Alexandra Stréliski sont incontournables). Cela fait vraiment une grande différence. J'ai déjà travaillé avec une technologue en imagerie, et elle avait l'habitude de penser que c'était magique !! Alors lancez votre musique, et les familles et les bébés vous adoreront ;). Assurez-vous de suivre les mesures de contrôle des infections et ne mettez pas de téléphones ou de lecteurs dans le lit du bébé ! Mais vous pouvez garder votre appareil propre sur la machine d'ECHO, de préférence dans un sac Ziploc que vous pouvez nettoyer de manière appropriée. Gabriel Altit.
Updated content on the Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia - Pulmonary Hypertension section of the website with information regarding evaluation and long-term management. Some teasers of the new content available below.
Mise à jour du contenu de la section Dysplasie bronchopulmonaire - Hypertension pulmonaire du site Web avec des informations concernant l'évaluation et la prise en charge à long terme. Quelques teasers du nouveau contenu disponibles ci-dessous.
I am now on Mastodon - Follow me. I am also on Twitter. Follow me!
Je suis maintenant sur Mastodon - Suivez-moi. Je suis également sur Twitter. Suivez-moi!
It was a pleasure to be part of the Déjeun'aide Breakfast with Leaders for the Montreal Children's Foundation. This was organized by the Young Leaders Circles. The new video for the MCH foundation was presented at this breakfast, and we had the pleasure to meet some of the upcoming leaders in the Montreal community, mingling with current leaders. A great philantropy initiative, encouraging community involvement with the MCH at a young start in their career.
Ce fut un plaisir de faire partie du Déjeuner'aide avec les leaders de la Fondation pour l'enfance de Montréal. Cela a été organisé par le Cercle de la relève. La nouvelle vidéo de la fondation de L'HME a été présentée lors de ce petit-déjeuner, et nous avons eu le plaisir de rencontrer quelques-uns des futurs leaders de la communauté montréalaise, se mêlant aux leaders actuels. Une belle initiative philanthropique, encourageant l'engagement communautaire auprès de L'HME à un jeune début de carrière.
It is with pleasure that I will be presenting with my colleague Dr. Audrey Hebert, neonatologist at CHU de Québec, at the Provincial Pulmonary Hypertension Day on November 28, 2022. We will be presenting an overview of pulmonary hypertension in infants with prematurity: from the newborn to the adult. PDF attached here, more information here.
"From 500 g to 50 kg, the cardiovascular impact of prematurity in adulthood"
Objectives :
Familiarize onself with the cardiovascular impacts of prematurity;
Review the outcomes in adulthood of premature babies;
Understand the long-term effects of prematurity on heart and lung function.
C'est avec plaisir que je présenterai avec ma collègue Dre Audrey Hébert, néonatologiste au CHU de Québec, lors de la Journée provinciale de l'hypertension pulmonaire le 28 novembre 2022. Nous présenterons un portrait de l'hypertension pulmonaire chez les nourrissons prématurés : du nouveau-né à l'adulte. PDF joint ici, plus d'informations ici.
"De 500 g à 50 kg, l’impact cardiovasculaire de la prématurité à l’âge adulte"
Objectifs :
Se familiariser avec les impacts cardiovasculaires de la prématurité;
Revoir le devenir à l’âge adulte des prématurés;
Comprendre les effets à long terme de la prématurité sur la fonction cardiaque et pulmonaire.
"Mark your calendars! The first edition of the Delphi conference is set to take place March 27,28 and 29 2023." More information here. It will be my pleasure to present more on the experience with the NeoCardioLab portal. This is at the initiative of the Incubator team. Thank you for thinking of the NeoCardioLab for this innovation conference.
« A vos agendas ! La première édition de la conférence Delphi aura lieu les 27, 28 et 29 mars 2023. » Plus d'informations ici. Il me fera plaisir de présenter plus sur l'expérience avec le portail NeoCardioLab. C'est à l'initiative de l'équipe de l'Incubateur. Merci d'avoir pensé au NeoCardioLab pour cette conférence sur l'innovation.
Congratulations to Ms Amanda Ohayon for the presentation of her data on timeliness of fetal echcoardiography for congenital heart block detection in anti-Ro and Anti-La pregnancies at American College of Rheumatology. Her work was selected for an Ignite Talk and for a Press Release. Congratulations! Some pictures and the abstract posted here.
Félicitations à Mlle Amanda Ohayon pour la présentation de ses données sur le moment de l'évaluation par échocardiographie fœtale pour la détection du bloc AV congénital dans les grossesses anti-Ro et anti-La à l'American College of Rheumatology. Son travail a été sélectionné pour un Ignite Talk et pour un communiqué de presse. Toutes nos félicitations! Quelques photos et le résumé posté ici.
I have added a section on important articles for the care of newborns with congenital heart defect.
J'ai ajouté une section sur des articles importants pour les soins des nouveau-nés atteints de malformation cardiaque congénitale.
Exciting news! I will be presenting at the "I Congresso Internacional de Neonatalogia Do DF" in Brasilia starting November 30, 2022. I would like to thank the organizing committee and Dr Guilherme Sant'Anna for inviting me to this wonderful conference. You will find here the PDF of the program.
Nouvelles excitantes! Je présenterai au "I Congresso Internacional de Neonatalogia Do DF" à Brasilia à partir du 30 novembre 2022. Je tiens à remercier le comité organisateur et le Dr Guilherme Sant'Anna de m'avoir invité à cette merveilleuse conférence. Vous trouverez ici le PDF du programme.
Electrocardiogram teaching that was given in the context of the Technical Workshop at the Montreal Children's Hospital neonatology unit on November 10, 2022. The recording is available here (in english). The slides are also available by PDF by clicking here (ECG Section).
Enseignement de l'électrocardiogramme qui a été donné dans le cadre de l'Atelier technique à l'unité de néonatologie de l'hôpital de Montréal pour enfants le 10 novembre 2022. L'enregistrement est disponible ici (en anglais). Les diapositives sont également disponibles en PDF en cliquant ici (Section ECG).
It was a pleasure today to present on the "Blue Baby" at the 11th Neonatal Day of the CHU Sainte-Justine. I would like to thank Dr Michael-Andrew Assaad for inviting me to present on this subject. The presentation was in French, but an english version exist in the congenital heart defects section of this portal.
Ce fut un plaisir aujourd'hui de présenter sur le "Bébé bleu" à la 11e Journée de néonatologie du CHU Sainte-Justine. Je tiens à remercier le Dr Michael-Andrew Assaad de m'avoir invité à faire une présentation sur ce sujet. La présentation était en français, mais une version anglaise existe dans la section cardiopathies congénitales de ce portail.
Premier Podcast Francophone - Collaboration avec l'équipe The Incubator sous la bannière "L'incubateur". Site web:
À écouter ici:
Avec Dr Ben Courchia!
October 2022 - Octobre 2022
New section on Neonatal ECMO
Nouvelle section sur l'ECMO néonatal.
Presentation at SOGC-Quebec on resuscitation before 24 weeks of gestational age (In French)
Présentation à la SOGC-Québec sur la réanimation avant 24 semaines d'âge gestationnel (en français)
The patent ductus arteriosus in prematurity - Is it unethical to administer NSAIDs?
This is the first entry that I have done here that is more « blog-like » in its content.
Disclaimer – this is only my own opinion, and I truly believe that we are all scientists that try to do the best appraisal of the evidence in order to provide the most optimal care to our vulnerable patient populations.
After carefully reviewing the literature (some references below - 1 to 7, but there are 100s), I believe there are numerous publications outlining that 1000s of premature infants in randomized control trials have failed to show any benefits from exposing these newborns to prophylactic, early or targeted medications to attempt acceleration of ductal closure. Actually, the preliminary results of the Beneductus trial in Europe (presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies 2021 in Denver by Pr Willem de Boode), has demonstrated that there may even be an increase in harm when exposing extreme premature infants to early ibuprofen (even with a targeted approach). The study was very well done, and there was almost no open-label treatment.
Could these medications be toxic, and not even provide any sort of benefit to these vulnerable infants? Possibly... And likely according to what I am getting from these studies. Is there a subgroup (very limited number of infants) that may benefit from accelerated closure by other means? Some of the studies looking at catheter-based approaches or paracetamol/acetaminophen are ongoing (but will unlikely show any benefits in my biased opinion).
For all these reasons, I strongly believe that NSAIDs, are not the way to go. Our local practice has been to abandon the use of these toxic medications. They are known to cause systemic vasoconstriction (undifferentiated, reference 8-9, but there are so many articles on this). They are associated with increased spontaneous intestinal perforation, end-organ ischemia and renal dysfunction ( in part due to the renal hypoxic vasoconstriction that is sustained).
Of course, any care bundles have to be taken into context. We do not just “ignore” the ductus, we have implemented successfully multiple care guidelines for our preterm newborns. We have an extensive golden hour protocol. We have trained all our health care professionals to be expert at the most extreme premature newborns (nurses, nurse practitioners, nutritionists, respiratory therapists, medical trainees, etc.). We have guidelines standardizing the care of our extreme premature population for the first week of life and beyond. We have clinical pathways standardizing ventilation, investigations, caffeine use, nutrition (with a rapid exposure to breastmilk and aiming to get to full feed in the first 7 days), etc. We are aggressive at obtaining breast-milk and promoting early and prolonged skin-to-skin care. Our rate of intubation in the delivery room (DR) is very low, and most of our newborns <29 weeks are brought to the NICU (including those <26 weeks) on bubble CPAP. With bCPAP, it is quite easy to install the cPAP in the delivery room and transport the baby to the unit. It is also a reliable way to sustain adequate peep, avoiding multiple disconnections and loss of FRC. (There is also some data that the frequency of oscillation, which changes with underlying pulmonary compliance, provides some benefits to the infant and more articles showcasing its benefits in the premature population). I have seen a dramatic drop in the need to intubate these infants (especially those born at 26 weeks and more). We even have newborns 23 weeks arriving to the NICU on bCPAP! These infants seem to have a much smoother transition (than what I was used to in my previous practice), as well as optimal recruitment and oxygenation. The drop of PVR occurs possibly more smoothly, allowing for less torrential left to right shunt via the ductus that eventually spontaneously constricts to various degree (until it finally closes at various ages, but often before 36 weeks). I scan almost all the <29 weeks infants in the unit at 10 days and 36 weeks, and it is extremely rare that the ductus is still patent.
We only provide intubation and surfactant in those infants with the most severe respiratory distress syndrome (our protocol has been published, references 10-11). As such, with FiO2 above 50% consistently (or other signs of significant respiratory distress or apneas), these infants get intubated and get surfactant. With a more selected population of infants exposed to surfactant, there is less acute drop in the pulmonary vascular resistance, which makes our rate of pulmonary hemorrhage low (6%) in our extreme premature population (same rate in the <26 weeks newborns). These events of pulmonary hemorrhage often occurs in infants that are outborn, and rarely yield to catastrophic decompensation since they are often these babies that remain intubated and found to have traces of blood upon suction. We do not restrict the total fluid intake (aiming 150-160 mL/kg/day total) and we aim for good nutrition for adequate growth and caloric intake. Patient gets ventilated in volume-guarantee when mechanically-ventilated and extubation occurs after the 72 hours window (in the <27 weeks newborns), once they do get intubated (we are often more rapid at extubating those 27-28 weeks infants, but they so rarely do get intubated in the first place to be honest). Extubation is deemed ready on a pulmonary perspective if FiO2 is <35%, mean airway pressure <10 and drive is present (that is not a set practice guideline). Infants that remain dependent on mechanical ventilation will receive low dose dexamethasone at >14 days (median 21 days of initiation) to get off mechanical ventilation.
Initially, I was quite skeptical about the absence of medical attempt to close the ductus. It my hemodynamics mind, it did not make sense. I compared the rates of death or BPD of my unit to the ones of another unit and found that there may have been an increase of this rate after the adoption of the policy compared to the status quo in another unit. The other unit, though, had excessively higher rate of death or BPD all throughout the 2 periods (so very hard to increase when your baseline is already 80-90% death or BPD!). The rates of those infants exposed to a no NSAIDs policy, was still dramatically low in terms of death or BPD. Also, the unit adopting the conservative policy, had seen a dramatic increase in the admission of outborn infants 23-24 weeks in the 2015, 2016, 2017 period (following the move to a much bigger single-bed unit, fusing 2 previous units). As we all know, these infants are at the highest risk for death or BPD. The previous EPOCH using NSAIDs had very low numbers of infants born at 23 weeks (most of them being inborn and selected because of their "good profile" to survive). We now care for infants <25 weeks, <600 grams at birth that are born with already very significant medical burden (severe maternal hypertensive or rheumatological conditions, extremes of obesity or diabetes, maternal oncological processes, maternal ECMO, extremely severe growth restriction, twins with TTTS, triplets, etc.). We are the only center in my province that can provide ICU care to the mother with all subspecialty (liver/renal/cardiac/oncology), as well as all array of medical/surgical care to these infants. As such, we do attract some of the most complex cases. Also, as you all know, the association between prematurity-related averse outcomes is logarithmically associated with the degree of immaturity... so I did remain with a doubt in this relative increase in the outcome of death or BPD in the EPOCH 2...
As such, humble to dig more into the question, I recently published the updated follow-up data of our approach (adding the numbers of 2018 and 2019) since we moved to this new unit (single room). Our BPD rates kept on declining and they were actually were very good despite the high admission rate of infants 23-24 weeks that was maintained through the years. We had a 32% death or BPD in those <29 weeks… Further, we only had 7% of infants <26 weeks that had Grade 3 BPD as per the new NICHD classification! Looking at national rates, we have one of the lowest rate of mortality in this high risk population (despite those factors that I have exposed earlier regarding the complexity of the population we care for). These are amongst the best reported outcomes of this particularly vulnerable population in Canada. Our NEC rates are also consistently very low in this population as per our annual report. Our IVH rates are within national average (disclaimer: many of the <26 weeks outborn infants in our catchment area are re-routed to our centre, and as such, close to 20% of the <26 weeks admitted are outborns). The majority (>90%) of these infants underwent spontaneous closure. Since 2015, we have had only 1 premature infant (born <29 weeks) requiring a tracheostomy (and we have admitted since that time: 400 babies <29 weeks, out of which there are 40 infants <24 weeks, 50 at 24 weeks, and 60 born at 25 weeks). Further, we recently reported on our population with pulmonary hypertension, and compared to previous reports, our mortality rate within this subgroup was extremely low. There were only 24 infants with >2/3 systemic pulmonary pressure estimates at the 36 weeks echocardiography (out of a source sample of 387 infants, 8%). Reported literature quotes that mortality can be up to 25% in this subgroup, while only 3 infants did not survive among these 24...
For some reason, the PDA debate is very emotional for many. My physiological mind tells me that the left to right shunt through the ductus is probably not great for these infants with such vulnerable status in the post-natal setting. However, the attempt at accelerating its closure (with invasive methods, or with potentially toxic medications) does not confer an advantage and seem to be at their detriment. I am now quite confident about the approach of not using NSAIDS in this population. With all the studies out there, it is time to accept the null hypothesis and stop loosing so much resources, time, energy, money on studying yet-again NSAIDS that have been shown in countless well designed randomized studies to not benefit these babies! No matter how much we would like these medications to benefit them. At this point, one may argue that it is unethical to expose a patient to such medication. It is also not a judicious use of scarce research resources to try to enrol infants in yet another study that was already done, to replicate negative results (or worst, increase harm)
Regarding cath-closure, I am worried that we will be intervening on very small infants that are transitioning, potentially exposing them to interventional complications for no benefits. I hope to be wrong... I have seen some infants post-embolization of the occluder (not good)... I have also seen some premature infants loosing a limb due to vascular injury when attempting ductal closure at early age. I have heard some centres with mortality and low output from valvular injury, atrial rupture and sustained arrhythmia...
These are my humble opinions, that will certainly trigger many disagreements ;). I more than welcome more discussion - My Twitter: @CardioNeo
Sankar MN, Bhombal S, Benitz WE. PDA: To treat or not to treat. Congenit Heart Dis. 2019 Jan;14(1):46-51. doi: 10.1111/chd.12708. PMID: 30811796.
Benitz WE. Hey, Doctor, Leave the PDA Alone. Pediatrics. 2017 Aug;140(2):e20170566. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-0566. Epub 2017 Jul 12. PMID: 28701391.
Sankar MN, Benitz WE. Does crossover treatment of control subjects invalidate results of randomized trials of patent ductus arteriosus treatment? J Perinatol. 2020 Dec;40(12):1863-1870. doi: 10.1038/s41372-020-00848-z. Epub 2020 Oct 6. PMID: 33024260.
Benitz WE, Bhombal S. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for patent ductus arteriosus closure in preterm infants. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2017 Oct;22(5):302-307. doi: 10.1016/j.siny.2017.07.004. Epub 2017 Jul 17. PMID: 28724506.
Chock VY, Goel VV, Palma JP, Luh TM, Wang NA, Gaskari S, Punn R, Silverman NH, Benitz WE. Changing Management of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus: Effect on Neonatal Outcomes and Resource Utilization. Am J Perinatol. 2017 Aug;34(10):990-995. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1601442. Epub 2017 Apr 4. PMID: 28376547.
Mitra S, Scrivens A, von Kursell AM, Disher T. Early treatment versus expectant management of hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus for preterm infants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020 Dec 10;12(12):CD013278. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013278.pub2. PMID: 33301630; PMCID: PMC8812277.
Evans P, O'Reilly D, Flyer JN, Soll R, Mitra S. Indomethacin for symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2021 Jan 15;1(1):CD013133. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013133.pub2. PMID: 33448032; PMCID: PMC8095061.
Nilsson F, Björkman S, Rosén I, Messeter K, Nordström CH. Cerebral vasoconstriction by indomethacin in intracranial hypertension. An experimental investigation in pigs. Anesthesiology. 1995 Dec;83(6):1283-92. doi: 10.1097/00000542-199512000-00019. PMID: 8533921.
Kraaier V, Van Huffelen AC, Wieneke GH, Van der Worp HB, Bär PR. Quantitative EEG changes due to cerebral vasoconstriction. Indomethacin versus hyperventilation-induced reduction in cerebral blood flow in normal subjects. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1992 Mar;82(3):208-12. doi: 10.1016/0013-4694(92)90169-i. PMID: 1371441.
Nouraeyan N, Lambrinakos-Raymond A, Leone M, Sant'Anna G. Surfactant administration in neonates: A review of delivery methods. Can J Respir Ther. 2014 Fall;50(3):91-5. PMID: 26078618; PMCID: PMC4456838.
Germain A, Nouraeyan N, Claveau M, Leone M, Sant'Anna G. "Optimal surfactant delivery protocol using the bovine lipid extract surfactant: a quality improvement study". J Perinatol. 2021 Jan;41(1):17-23. doi: 10.1038/s41372-020-00846-1. Epub 2020 Oct 3. PMID: 33011749; PMCID: PMC7532933.
After a little hiatus of a few weeks, here are some news of the NeoCardioLab.
Presentation for the NHRC is now live on Youtube. Link above.
New resource available in English in the Families section:
Birth Injury Center: A lot of resources regarding cerebral palsy, brachial plexus injury and other delivery complications - for families. Would like to thank Rebecca Wilde Director of Outreach | Birth Injury Center, for bringing up to my attention this great resource for families!
Will be presenting at the Neonatal Hemodynamics webinar series on October 19th, 2022 on Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Phenotyping Cardiovascular Profile to Provide Precision Management. To register here.
Congratulations to Justine Morin, Sam Amar and Daniela Villegas Martinez who represented the NeoCardioLab at the Congrès de la recherche Mère-Enfants!
September 2022 - Septembre 2022
Very interesting sessions offered at the "Clinical Cardiopulmonary Physiology for the Care of the Sick Newborn Course" hosted by the Neonatal Hemodynamics Research Centre and Pan-American Hemodynamics Collaborative. I will be moderating the session "NeuroHemodynamics and application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy". Register Here (all afternoon events). Register here - Special Session for Allied Health.
Sessions très intéressantes offertes dans le cadre du "Clinical Cardiopulmonary Physiology for the Care of the Sick Newborn Course" organisé par le Neonatal Hemodynamics Research Centre et le Pan-American Hemodynamics Collaborative. Je modérerai la session "NeuroHemodynamics and application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy".
The 16th International Conference on Neonatal and Childhood Pulmonary Vascular Disease (2023) will take place in San Francisco, California on March 16 to March 18, 2023. This is one of the major and most interesting conference addressing pulmonary hypertension in the infantile and pediatric period. The panel of speakers is absolutely outstanding. The organizing committee is composed of world leaders in pulmonary hypertension and neonatal pulmonary vascular science. I strongly recommend this conference, in a city that is absolutely fantastic (worth taking a few days extra to visit the beautiful bay area).
La 16th International Conference on Neonatal and Childhood Pulmonary Vascular Disease (2023) aura lieu à San Francisco, en Californie, du 16 au 18 mars 2023. Il s'agit de l'une des conférences les plus importantes et les plus intéressantes sur l'hypertension pulmonaire dans la période infantile et pédiatrique. Les conférenciers sont absolument exceptionnels. Le comité organisateur est composé de leaders mondiaux en hypertension pulmonaire et en science vasculaire pulmonaire. Je recommande fortement cette conférence, dans une ville absolument fantastique (ça vaut la peine de prendre quelques jours supplémentaires pour visiter la magnifique région de San Francisco).
We are officially launching today (September 15, 2022) the "Effects of a Nurturing and Quiet Intervention (NeuroN-QI) on Preterm Infants' Neurodevelopment and Maternal Stress and Anxiety: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial" at the Montreal Children's Hospital. The principal investigator of the study is Marilyn Aita (PhD). Learn more on the NeuroN-QI here.
Nous lançons officiellement aujourd'hui (15 septembre 2022) l'étude: "Effects of a Nurturing and Quiet Intervention (NeuroN-QI) on Preterm Infants' Neurodevelopment and Maternal Stress and Anxiety: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial" à l'hôpital de Montréal pour enfants. L'investigatrice principale de l'étude est Marilyn Aita (PhD). En savoir plus sur le NeuroN-QI ici.
Congratulations to Ms Amanda Ohayon for getting her abstract accepted to the American College of Rheumatology . Her abstract entitled “Timeliness of Fetal Echocardiography for Congenital Heart Block Detection in Anti-Ro/La-Positive Pregnancies” has been chosen by the ACR Communications and Marketing Committee to be highlighted in a press conference during ACR Convergence 2022, which will be held in Philadelphia, PA and virtually this year. Her Ignite Poster Session will occur on Sunday, November 13 from 10:25 AM - 10:30 AM. Abstract ID: 1290756. She will also have a Virtual Poster on Sunday, November 13 from 9:00 to 10:30 AM. Work co-supervised with Dr E. Vinet.
Félicitations à Mlle Amanda Ohayon pour l'acceptation de son abrégé à l'American College of Rheumatology. Son résumé intitulé "Timeliness of Fetal Echocardiography for Congenital Heart Block Detection in Anti-Ro/La-Positive Pregnancies" a été choisi par le comité des communications et du marketing de l'ACR pour être mis en évidence lors d'une conférence de presse lors de l'ACR Convergence 2022, qui se tiendra à Philadelphie, et virtuellement cette année. Sa session d'affiches Ignite aura lieu le dimanche 13 novembre de 10h25 à 10h30. Numéro du résumé : 1290756. Elle aura également une affiche virtuelle le dimanche 13 novembre de 9 h 00 à 10 h 30. Travail co-supervisé avec Dr E. Vinet.
Congratulations to Dr Marina Mir who got her abstract "Congenital heart defect newborns with diastolic steal have altered cerebral arterial Doppler profile during the transitional period" accepted for poster display during the 11th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative. Her Poster (#3) will be presented on Wednesday, October 26 from 5:45 pm – 7:00 pm during the Wine & Wisdom Walkaround Poster Session.
Félicitations à la Dre Marina Mir qui a vu son abrégé accepté "Congenital heart defect newborns with diastolic steal have altered cerebral arterial Doppler profile during the transitional period" pour la 11e session scientifique annuelle du Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative. Son affiche (#3) sera présentée le mercredi 26 octobre de 17 h 45 à 19 h 00 lors de la séance d'affiches Wine & Wisdom Walkaround.
Congratulations to Pierre Elias who got his abstract "Left ventricular dimensions and function by three-dimensional echocardiography are associated with brain injury in neonatal encephalopathy" accepted for poster display during the 11th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative. Her Poster (#3) will be presented on Wednesday, October 26 from 5:45 pm – 7:00 pm during the Wine & Wisdom Walkaround Poster Session.
Félicitations à Pierre Elias qui a vu son abrégé accepté "Left ventricular dimensions and function by three-dimensional echocardiography are associated with brain injury in neonatal encephalopathy" accepté pour présentation par affiche lors de la 11e session scientifique annuelle du Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative. Son affiche (#3) sera présentée le mercredi 26 octobre de 17 h 45 à 19 h 00 lors de la séance d'affiches Wine & Wisdom Walkaround.
I want to thank the Society of Obstetrician and Gynecology of Canada for inviting me to present on the extreme of prematurity at their next conference in Mont-Tremblant, on October 7th, 2022. I will be presenting on "Réanimation au limite de la viabilité et avant 24 semaines - une perspective néonatale"
Je tiens à remercier la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada de m'avoir invité à présenter sur l'extrême prématurité lors de leur prochaine conférence à Mont-Tremblant, le 7 octobre 2022. Je présenterai sur "Réanimation au limite de la viabilité et avant 24 semaines - une perspective néonatale"
Congratulations to Dr Wael Abdelmageed who submitted his thesis in Experimental Medicine on the outcomes of extremely premature infants exposed to maternal hypertension (co-supervised with Dr Natalie Dayan).
Félicitations au Dr Wael Abdelmageed qui a soumis sa thèse en médecine expérimentale sur le devenir des grands prématurés exposés à l'hypertension maternelle (co-supervisée avec le Dr Natalie Dayan).
Program for the 46th Annual International Conference of the University of Miami. A great opportunity to learn from outstanding speakers in the field.
Programme de la 46e Conférence internationale annuelle de l'Université de Miami. Une excellente occasion d'apprendre de conférenciers exceptionnels dans le domaine.
Congratulations to my colleagues and collaborators at the Jewish General Hospital who are launching the NeoPremLab.
Félicitations à mes collègues et collaborateurs de l'Hôpital général juif qui lancent le NeoPremLab.
Excellent presentation by Laila Wazneh (NNP at the Montreal Children's Hospital) and Dr Satit Manopunya on Supra-Ventricular Tachycardia. This was presented in the context of the Neonatal Cardiology Rounds and mentored by Dr Tiscar Cavalle (pediatric cardiologist). We thank the presenters for their exceptional presentation and preparation, as well as for agreeing to share the slides with the NeoCardioLab community. Can be found in the ECG section.
Excellente présentation de Laila Wazneh (IPSN à l'hôpital de Montréal pour enfants) et Dr Satit Manopunya sur la tachycardie supra-ventriculaire. Cela a été présenté dans le contexte des séances de cardiologie néonatale et encadré par la Dre Tiscar Cavalle (cardiologue pédiatre). Nous remercions les présentateurs pour leur présentation et leur préparation exceptionnelles, ainsi que pour avoir accepté de partager les diapositives pour les visiteurs du NeoCardioLab. Peut être trouvé dans la section ECG.
Congrats to Dr. Carolina Michel Macias who started the Neonatal Hemodynamics Clinical Research Fellowship at McGill university on September 6th, 2022. Welcome!
Félicitations au Dr Carolina Michel Macias qui a débuté sa formation dans le programme de fellowship en recherche clinique pour l'hémodynamie néonatale à l'université McGill le 6 septembre 2022. Bienvenue !
New article in Cardiology in the Young on the cardiac alterations found in infants with moderate to severe hypoxic encephalopathy, when compared to controls. We found that these infants have biventricular dysfunction and signs of increase pulmonary pressure during therapeutic hypothermia. These alterations may be targets for therapeutic management, in order to improve their homeostasis during hypothermia and possibly further prevent brain injury from occurring in the postnatal phase. Enjoy the reading here.
Nouvel article dans Cardiology in the Young sur les altérations cardiaques observées chez les nourrissons atteints d'encéphalopathie hypoxique modérée à sévère, par rapport aux témoins. Nous avons constaté que ces nourrissons présentaient une dysfonction biventriculaire et des signes d'augmentation de la pression pulmonaire au cours de l'hypothermie thérapeutique. Ces altérations peuvent être des cibles de prise en charge thérapeutique, afin d'améliorer leur homéostasie pendant l'hypothermie et éventuellement afin de prévenir davantage la survenue de lésions cérébrales en phase postnatale. Bonne lecture ici.
August 2022 - Aout 2022
Article fresh off the press: "The biventricular contribution to chronic pulmonary hypertension of the extremely premature infant". In this publication, post-doctoral student Dr Gabriela Nunes, describes how infants with BPD-associated pulmonary hypertension have altered right and left ventricular function at around 36 weeks of post-menstrual age. As such, contrary to many other forms of pulmonary hypertension, it does not seem to be an isolated RV disease (at least at the initial stages). Full article here:
Learn more on the ongoing projects at the NeoCardioLab by click here. The NORDIC Program: Neonatal Outcomes Related to the early Discover of Impaired Cardiac function is composed of 3 multi-centric prospective research projects, over a 4 year period:
NORDIC-PREM: Pulmonary Hypertension Rate in Extreme preterm and the identification of its early cardiovascular Modifiers
NORDIC-SPEC: Surveillance of Postnatal steroids Effects on Cardiac function in extremely preterm infants with evolving lung disease
NORDIC-CDH: Exploratory Observational ECHO Prospective Study in CDH
En savoir plus sur les projets en cours au NeoCardioLab en cliquant ici. Le programme NORDIC : Issues néonatales liées à la découverte précoce d'une dysfonction cardiaque est composé de 3 projets de recherche prospectifs multicentriques, sur une période de 4 ans :
NORDIC-PREM : Taux d'hypertension pulmonaire chez les grands prématurés et identification de ses modificateurs cardiovasculaires précoces
NORDIC-SPEC : Surveillance des effets postnataux des stéroïdes sur la fonction cardiaque chez les nourrissons extrêmement prématurés atteints d'une maladie pulmonaire évolutive
NORDIC-CDH : Étude prospective observationnelle exploratoire d'échocardiographie dans l'hernie diaphragmatique congénitale
Incubator Podcast is out - #075 - [NeoHeart Special] - Dr. Gabriel Altit MD - Neonatal hemodynamics, a year in review
Such a great start at NeoHeart 2022 with the keynote speaker Dr Gil Wernovsky. Brilliant interview by Dr John P. Clearly. And great to see so many friends and colleagues who travelled to this wonderful conference organized by Dr Amir Ashrafi, Dr Victor Levy and Dr John Cleary.
July 2022 - Juillet 2022
Fresh off the press: "Acute Myocardial Infarction in Pregnancy" in Current Problems in Cardiology. Great team and collaboration. You can find the article here.
Fraîchement sorti de presse : "Infarctus aigu du myocarde pendant la grossesse" ("Acute Myocardial Infarction in Pregnancy") dans Current Problems in Cardiology. Équipe et collaboration formidable à la rédaction. Vous pouvez trouver l'article ici.
I participated today to the Incubator Podcast! The podcast will be posted next week. I will be speaking about my upcoming presentation at NeoHeart 2022 - Neonatal Hemodynamics scientific year- in-review. If you have not checked out Incubator Podcast - now is the time! What they do is truly phenomenal. Their aim is to "improve access to evidence based practices, create connections within our community and provide frameworks for mental wellness for our colleagues and the families we serve". And they truly succeed at their mission! It was a real pleasure to participate with Dr. Daphna Yasova Barbeau, Dr. Rune Toms and Dr. Ben Courchia. You can also access the Podcasts on Apple Podcast here and on Spotify here. Check out their Twitter account for the last news about their upcoming podcasts.
J'ai participé aujourd'hui au "Podcast de l'incubateur" (Incubator Podcast) ! Le podcast sera mis en ligne la semaine prochaine. Je parlerai de ma prochaine présentation à NeoHeart 2022 - Bilan scientifique de l'année en hémodynamie néonatale. Si vous n'avez pas visité le site de "Incubator Podcast" - c'est le moment ! Ce qu'ils font est vraiment phénoménal. Leur objectif est "d'améliorer l'accès aux pratiques fondées sur des preuves scientifiques, de créer des liens au sein de notre communauté et de fournir un cadre de bien-être à nos collègues et aux familles que nous servons". Et ils réussissent vraiment leur mission ! Ce fut un réel plaisir de participer avec la Dre Daphna Yasova Barbeau, le Dr Rune Toms et le Dr Ben Courchia. Vous pouvez également accéder aux podcasts sur Apple Podcast ici et sur Spotify ici. Consultez leur compte Twitter pour les dernières nouvelles sur leurs prochains podcasts.
Congratulations to Amanda Ohayon for getting her project accepted for Poster presentation at NeoHeart 2022. She is working on maternal rheumatological conditions and their cardiac impact on the fetus. More in the students section.
Félicitations à Amanda Ohayon pour son projet qui a été accepté pour une présentation par affiche au NeoHeart 2022. Elle fait de la recherche sur les conditions rhumatologiques maternelles et leur impacts cardiaques sur le fétus. Plus dans la section des étudiants.
Highlighting an important collaboration:
Dr Sahar Saeed is an assistant professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences at Queen's University. She received her Ph.D. in Epidemiology from McGill University and completed her CIHR-funded post-doctoral fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis. Her research interests lie at the intersection of policy evaluation, health outcome disparities, and knowledge translation, focusing on vulnerable populations. Her overarching goal is to understand the role of patient-, provider- and system-level facilitators and barriers to accessing health care. She is a close collaborator of the NeoCardioLab. Link to the website of Dr Saeed's laboratory here.
Nous soulignons une collaboration importante : Dre Sahar Saeed est professeure adjointe au Département des sciences de la santé publique de l'Université Queen's. Elle a obtenu son doctorat en épidémiologie de l'Université McGill et a complété sa bourse postdoctorale financée par les IRSC à l'Université Washington à St. Louis. Ses intérêts de recherche se situent à l'intersection de l'évaluation des politiques, des disparités en santé et de l'application des connaissances, en se concentrant sur les populations vulnérables. Son objectif primordial est de comprendre le rôle des facilitateurs et des obstacles au niveau des patients, des fournisseurs et du système pour accéder aux soins de santé. Elle est une proche collaboratrice du NeoCardioLab. Lien vers le site du laboratoire du Dre Saeed ici.
3D evaluation by 3D echocardiography in a premature newborn. More in the 3D section.
Future of PDA evaluation? 3D Echocardiography of a large left to right PDA in an extremely premature newborn. New data coming soon from the NeoCardioLab. You will find here some 3D rendering of the ductus, as well as 3D navigation of the ductus for 3D visualization and measurements. Consult the PDA section to get to know more.
L'avenir de l'évaluation du canal artériel ? Échocardiographie 3D d'un canal large gauche - droit chez un nouveau-né extrêmement prématuré. Nouvelles données à venir par le NeoCardioLab. Vous trouverez ici un rendu 3D du canal, ainsi qu'une navigation 3D du canal pour visualisation et mesures 3D. Consultez la section sur le canal pour en savoir plus.
Some Echocardiographic Doppler Examples of ductal steal from the systemic to the pulmonary circulation. You may find these under the PDA section.
Pulsatile left to right by PW Doppler, unrestrictive.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the post-ductal descending aorta by PW Doppler from the suprasternal view.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the post-ductal descending aorta by PW Doppler from the subcostal view.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the celiac artery by PW Doppler from the subcostal view.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the anterior cerebral artery by PW Doppler from the transfontanelar view.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the middle cerebral artery by PW Doppler from the transfontanelar view.
Join me at the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative (CNOC) 11th Annual Scientific Session hosted by CNOC and CHU Sainte Justine Mother and Child University Hospital in Montréal, Québec. The CNOC Annual Scientific Sessions will explore cutting-edge science, clinical approaches and interventions, quality improvement, and advocacy in the field of cardiac neurodevelopment. The CNOC Program Committee and CHU Sainte Justine Hospital colleagues have created an exciting and diverse program of international and multidisciplinary faculty experts who work with or care for individuals with congenital heart disease and their families, with a focus on improving neurodevelopmental and psychosocial outcomes across the lifespan. The meeting will be in-person, in beautiful Montreal and will take place from October 25-27, 2022, with a pre-conference workshop on October 24. For more information, please see: I will be presenting on:
Date: Tuesday October 25, 2022
Session time: 11:00AM-12:45PM ET
Session title: What are we learning about neurodevelopmental outcomes from neuromonitoring and neuroimaging?
Innovations across the lifespan.
My presentation: Precision neuromonitoring in the newborn transitional period - Can we identify the highest risk patients?
Presentation time: 14 mins
Panel discussion: 20 mins
Session format: All presentations are planned to be in-person as well as live-streamed to an international audience. The session will end with a lively panel discussion, bringing together all moderators and presenters to respond to audience questions.
For the incredible opportunity, I would like to thank Dr Nadine Kasparian, PhD and Dr Amanda Shillingford, MD (CNOC Program & Meetings Committee Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative) as well as Dr Anne Gallagher, PhD and Dr Nancy Poirier, MD (CHU Sainte Justine Mother and Child University Hospital Montréal, Québec).
Congratulations to Pierre Elias who will be presenting his work at NeoHeart 2022 on the 3D-ECHO parameters of infants with HIE. He found that infants with brain injury have particular altered metrics by 3D-LV evaluation.
Félicitations à Pierre Elias qui présentera ses travaux à NeoHeart 2022 sur les paramètres 3D-ECHO des nourrissons avec HIE. Il a découvert que les nourrissons atteints de lésions cérébrales présentaient des métriques particulièrement modifiées par l'évaluation 3D-LV.
Congratulations to Dr Shiran Sara Moore who will be presenting her work at NeoHeart 2022 on the Early cardiac function in extremely preterm newborns. She will be giving a platform!
Félicitations à Dr Shiran Sara Moore qui présentera ses travaux à NeoHeart 2022 sur les paramètres la fonction cardiaque précoce des grands prématurés. Elle présentera une plateforme!
Thomas Sonea (Medical Student - Université de Montréal) has now joined the team at the NeoCardioLab. Prior to his training in medicine, he completed a bachelor's degree in biomedical sciences at Université de Montréal. He will be working on the evaluation of lung ultrasound score in the context of prematurity and exposure to post-natal steroids. Welcome to Thomas!
Thomas Sonea (étudiant en médecine - Université de Montréal) s'est maintenant joint à l'équipe du NeoCardioLab. Avant sa formation en médecine, il a complété un baccalauréat en sciences biomédicales à l'Université de Montréal. Il travaillera sur l'évaluation du score par échographie pulmonaire dans le contexte de la prématurité et de l'exposition aux stéroïdes postnataux. Bienvenue à Thomas !
2 news cases of echocardiographic examples of ALCAPA - Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery
2 nouveaux cas d'exemples échocardiographiques d'ALCAPA - L'anomalie de naissance de la coronaire gauche à partir de l'artère pulmonaire
Welcome to Justine Morin (Medical Student) in the team of the NeoCardioLab as a student in research.
Project: Impact of maternal ASA dosages on severe IVH in extreme premature infants.
Status: Data extraction
I would like to highlight other important collaborations.
A) With Dr Isabelle Malhamée and her team from the MUHC-RI (SARABI study on the impact of maternal preeclampsia on maternal and neonatal cardiovascular function)
B) With Dr Evelyne Vinet and her team from the MUHC-RI (At Heart Matters - study on the impact of maternal lupus on maternal and neonatal cardiovascular function)
C) With Dr Maria V Fraga and her team from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (Lung ultrasound in congenital diaphragmatic hernia).
D) The team of the RESETPDA study - P.I. Dr Dany Weisz at Sunnybrooke Hospital - University of Toronto.
E) The team of the Comparative Effectiveness Trial on Dopamine vs Norepinephrine in neonatal sepsis (P.I. Dr Amish Jain, Dr Prakesh Shah, Dr Ashraf Kharrat).
F) The entre TnECHO Quebec Collaborative that is very involved in all the research collaborations in Quebec: Dr Audrey Hébert, Dr Anie Lapointe, Dr Andréanne Villeneuve, Dr Nina Nouraeyan, Dr Brahim Bensouda.
Just some important information regarding one of our collaborations with Dr Natalie Dayan. We have been collaborating together now for a few years on an important matter - the health of pregnant persons with hypertension. You can visit the website of she MATTERS by clicking on the link and read more on my other collaborations here.
The “she MATTERS” (iMproving cArdiovascular healTh in new moThERS) project aims to understand if a breastfeeding intervention can improve blood pressure and markers of metabolic risk in women with recent hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP). Principal investigator: Dr Natalie Dayan - I am one of her collaborators. "Pregnancy complications are risk factors for premature cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke that are specific to women. Breastfeeding may be protective against development of hypertension and metabolic syndrome. Information gained from this program will inform personalized sex- and gender-specific approaches to CVD risk management."
Juste de l'information importante concernant une de nos collaborations avec la Dre Natalie Dayan. Nous collaborons ensemble depuis quelques années sur un sujet important : la santé des femmes enceintes souffrant d'hypertension. Vous pouvez visiter le site de she MATTERS en cliquant sur le lien et en savoir plus sur mes autres collaborations ici.
« she MATTERS »: Améliorer la santé cardiovasculaire des nouvelles mères. Le projet « she MATTERS » (pour iMproving cArdiovascular healTh in new moThERS, soit améliorer la santé cardiovasculaire chez les nouvelles mères) vise à comprendre si une intervention liée à l’allaitement peut améliorer la pression artérielle et les marqueurs de risque métabolique chez les femmes ayant été récemment atteintes de troubles hypertensifs de la grossesse (THG). Les complications liées à la grossesse sont des facteurs de risque des maladies cardiovasculaires prématurées et des accidents vasculaires cérébraux spécifiques aux femmes. L’allaitement peut protéger contre le développement de l’hypertension et du syndrome métabolique. L’information découlant de ce programme établira les bases des approches personnalisées spécifiques au sexe et au genre dans la gestion de risque des THG.
All the publications of the NeoCardioLab are now available on PDF in the section Publications.
Toutes les publications du NeoCardioLab sont désormais disponibles en PDF dans la rubrique Publications.
June 2022 - Juin 2022
Celebration at NeoCardioLab. Some of the students celebrating the graduation of Dr Shiran Moore! Thank you to Amanda Ohayon for the great cupcakes. You can see the team of students at NeoCardioLab here.
Célébration au NeoCardioLab. Quelques-uns des étudiants célébrant la remise des diplômes du Dre Shiran Moore ! Merci à Amanda Ohayon pour les supers cupcakes. Vous pouvez voir l'équipe d'étudiants de NeoCardioLab ici.
Since September: 1371 downloads for the NeoCardioLab app (Apple and Android)! Amazing considering the "niche" audience it reaches. Thank you for the support! You can get it for free and it constantly updates automatically (internet needed).
Depuis septembre : 1371 téléchargements pour l'application NeoCardioLab (Apple et Android) ! Incroyable compte tenu du public "niche" que l'applicatoni rejoint. Merci pour votre soutien! Vous pouvez l'obtenir gratuitement et l'application se met constamment à jour automatiquement (Internet nécessaire)
Dr Shiran Moore is a neonatologist from Israel that joined us in July 2021. Shiran has integrated nicely the NICU at the Montreal Children’s Hospital and at the Jewish General Hospital. Very rapidly, it was extremely clear that Shiran was a powerhouse. She got involved in the units, she learned neonatal hemodynamics and neonatal echocardiography, became interested in participating in many projects and was involved in many of the teaching and academic activities. She also was involved in the Quebec TnECHO collaborative and the PanAmerican Neonatal Hemodynamics. Everyone in the teams at McGill really appreciated working with Shiran. She is caring, attentive to details, efficient, is hard working and always with a smile, intelligent, proactive, involved and dedicated. She has worked on many prospective and retrospective studies, has taught students and residents, and already presented her projects in the form of oral and poster presentations at national and international conferences. She has two manuscripts in preparation as a first author, and a few others as member of the author team. Congratulations on a wonderful productive year. She did all this while being a super mom, a super wife and with her partner being a physician in New York City! The McGill community will miss you a lot and you will leave a big void here (and personally, not sure how I will survive without her ;)). Remember, that you will always be part of our family, that you have left your mark. Now, it is the time to build your own program, and we are very proud to see you succeed so exceptionally. She is embarking in a new adventure where she will be joining the team at Dana Dwek Children's Hospital/Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, a large volume neonatal center in Tel Aviv, Israel associated with Tel Aviv University. The position is as an attending neonatologist, with a research portion and time protected towards developing a neonatal hemodynamics clinical and research program. We are all convinced that you will be the future of the neonatal hemodynamics field. Although you are finishing your training at McGill and the Montreal Children’s Hospital, this is only the beginning of a new adventure and I am convinced, only the beginning of future collaborations and groundbreaking projects.
Dear colleagues,
Consider joining this Canadian Neonatal-NIRS Collaborative webinar on Friday June 17th, 2022. I will be speaking on the hemodynamic monitoring with NIRS! There will be many great talks. It is FREE and virtual .
Topic: Symposium on: Implementing NIRS - The sixth vital sign in NICU
Time: Jun 17, 2022 02:00 PM
My presentation is posted under the NIRS section of the NeoCardioLab website
May 2022 - Mai 2022
New section on probe position for acquisition of echocardiography standard views. Thanks to Dr Shiran Moore (neonatal hemodynamics fellow) and Pierre Elias (medical student).
Nouvelle section sur la position de la sonde pour l'acquisition des vues standard d'échocardiographie. Merci au Dr Shiran Moore (fellow en hémodynamie néonatale) et Pierre Elias (étudiant en médecine).
Parasternal long axis
Parasternal short axis
Subcostal long axis
Subcostal short axis
In the stories of our families, we have now the story of Emmanuel, Sandra and Thierry. Sandra shares her journey and the impact of a diagnosis of congenital cardiac defect on their family life, as well as some messages for health care professionals and the families going through similar challenges.
Dans les histoires de nos familles, nous avons maintenant l'histoire d'Emmanuel, Sandra et Thierry. Sandra partage son parcours et l'impact d'un diagnostic de malformation cardiaque congénitale sur leur vie de famille, ainsi que quelques messages pour les professionnels de la santé et les familles qui vivent des défis similaires.
Presentation done in the context of the 11th McGill Neonatal Conference on Neonatal Cardiac Issues (June 1st, 2022). Here we review cases with neonatal cyanosis secondary to congenital heart defect or persistent pulmonary hypertension. There are 4 cases presented and review the physiology, anatomies, investigations, differential diagnosis and management. We will review: transposition of great arteries, pulmonary valvular stenosis, persistent pulmonary hypertension in the newborn secondary to premature ductal closure during fetal life and total anomalous pulmonary venous return. The presentation is focused on physiology concepts and very early stabilisation. The presentation does not review the exhaustive management of all these conditions.
The 11th McGill Neonatal Conference on Neonatal Cardiac Issues is now finished. You can find the slide decks and the recordings here. Thank you for attending!
La 11e Conférence néonatale de McGill sur les atteintes cardiovasculaires du nouveau-né est maintenant terminée. Vous pouvez trouver les diapositives et les enregistrements ici. Merci d'avoir participé!
Very happy to present at the upcoming Symposium on Implement NIRS - The Sixth vital sign in the NICU! It will take place on Jun 17, 2022 at 2:00 PM (eastern). I will be presenting on NIRS in hemodynamic monitoring.
Très heureux de présenter au prochain symposium sur la mise en œuvre du NIRS - Le sixième signe vital à l'USIN ! Cela aura lieu le 17 juin 2022 à 14h00 (heure de l'Est). Je présenterai sur le NIRS dans le suivi hémodynamique.
New section for the families on Gastroschisis
Nouvelle section pour les familles sur le Gastroschisis
Case of May - Ex-premature infant found to have significant pulmonary hypertension at term corrected age.
New section on pulmonary venous stenosis in the context of prematurity. Some images showcasing the appearance of acquired pulmonary veins stenosis by echocardiography and its assessment by Doppler (when not complete atresia). This section can be found under the tab of TnECHO. There is an increasing recognition of this entity which is severe and challenging to diagnose, prognosticate and manage.
Nouvelle rubrique sur la sténose veineuse pulmonaire en contexte de prématurité. Quelques images montrant l'apparition d'une sténose acquise des veines pulmonaires par échocardiographie et son évaluation par Doppler (lorsqu'il n'y a pas d'atrésie complète). Cette section se trouve sous l'onglet TnECHO. Il y a une reconnaissance croissante de cette entité qui est grave et difficile à diagnostiquer, à pronostiquer et à gérer.
The recording of the recent webinar on The Future of Neonatal NIRS - Panel Discussion by the Neonatal NIRS Consortium is now available here.
L'enregistrement du récent webinaire sur "The Future of Neonatal NIRS - Panel Discussion" par le Neonatal NIRS Consortium est maintenant disponible ici.
Two new publications by the NeoCardioLab:
"Early echocardiography predicts intervention need in antenatal suspicion of coarctation of the aorta" from Punnanee Wutthigate, Jessica Simoneau, Claudia Renaud and Gabriel Altit, published in "CJC Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease". Available here.
Yan ES, Chock VY, Bonifacio SL, Dahlen A, Guimaraes CV, Altit G, Bhombal S, Van Meurs K. Association between multi-organ dysfunction and adverse outcome in infants with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. J Perinatol. 2022 May 16. doi: 10.1038/s41372-022-01413-6. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35578019.
These posters were prepared by Lisa Carruthers (Senior NICU Nurse at Montreal Children's Hospital) for the Awareness month. You can find them in our family section destined to the families undergoing therapeutic hypothermia for their baby.
Ces affiches ont été préparées par Lisa Carruthers (Infirmière senior de l'USIN à l'hôpital de Montréal pour enfants) pour le mois de sensibilisation. Vous pouvez les trouver dans notre section familiale destinée aux familles qui ont un bébé traité avec l'hypothermie thérapeutique.
REMINDER: You are invited to our XI Neonatal Conference of McGill University
We are pleased to announce our 11th McGill University Neonatal Conference.
Date: Wednesday June 1, 2022
Title: Neonatal Cardiac Issues
Time: 08:00 - 17:00
Venue: Virtual
Cost: Free (without credits) or $50.00 per person (non-reimbursable) to obtain credits (Continuing medical education) along with a completed returned evaluation
Please click on our conference webpage for the program information:
Please share the link of our website to your colleagues in the department/division such as the Pediatricians, Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, Residents, Fellows, Obstetrics-Gynecologists (nursery, ante/post-partum, delivery), Family Medicine doctors, Cardiologists, Pharmacists, trainees and anyone who would be interested in the current theme of the Conference.
To participate in this conference, please complete the registration form on the following website (please allow 5-10 seconds for the page to fully load) :
To be added to the conference mailing list: Click here
RAPPEL: Vous êtes invité à notre XI Conférence Néonatale à McGill
Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer notre 11ième conférence néonatale de l'Université McGill. Cette année, exceptionnellement, notre conférence sera virtuelle.
Date : Mercredi, le 1 juin, 2022
Titre : Problèmes cardiaques du nouveau-né
Heure : 8:00 - 17:00
Endroit : Virtuelle
Coût : Gratuit (sans obtention de crédit) ou $50.00 par personne (non-remboursable) pour avoir des des crédits de formation continue avec une évaluation qu'il faudra soumettre
Veuillez cliquer sur le site web de notre conférence pour obtenir les informations sur le programme de la journée :
Nous vous prions de partager ce site-web à vos collègues de votre département (ou de votre division) tel que les pédiatres, les infirmières, les inhalothérapeutes, les résidents, les cardiologues, les fellows / moniteurs cliniques, les apprenants, les technologues en imagerie cardiaque, les obstétriciens-gynécologues (pouponnière, ante/postpartum), les médecins de famille, les infirmiers et infirmières practiciennes, les pharmaciens et à tous ceux qui pourraient être intéressés par le thème de la conférence 2022.
Afin de participer à cette conférence, veuillez remplir le formulaire d'inscription à la page suivante (SVP patientez de 5 à 10 secondes pour que la page se charge complètement):
Pour être rajouté à la liste de distribution de la conférence: Cliquer ici
We have now made available a fantastic presentation prepared by Dr Shiran Moore (Neonatal Hemodynamics Fellow) and Ms Martine Claveau (Senior NNP) on Aortic valvular stenosis in our aortic valve anomalies section.
Nous avons maintenant mis à votre disposition une excellente présentation préparée par la Dre Shiran Moore (fellow en hémodynamie néonatale) et Mme Martine Claveau (IPSN senior) sur la Sténose valvulaire aortique dans la section sur les anomalies de la valve aortique.
Please save the date for our next Neonatal NIRS Consortium webinar on Wednesday, May 18, at 10 am (Pacific)/ 12pm (Central)/ 1 pm (Eastern). The topic will be a panel discussion and open forum about the current state of neonatal NIRS monitoring and future directions for the field. To guide our discussions, please fill out this VERY BRIEF 6-question survey by clicking here. We hope you can join us for this opportunity to explore the state of neonatal NIRS monitoring and share your experiences, questions, and ideas with other leaders in the field of neonatal NIRS. We welcome additional input. Please find the Zoom invitation for the May webinar here. Hope you all can join!
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Best regards,
Valerie Chock and Zachary Vesoulis
April 2022 - Avril 2022
New section with cases in the congenital diaphragmatic hernia section, on LV hypoplasia and dysfunction in CDH
Nouvelle section avec des cas cliniques dans la section des hernies diaphragmatiques congénitales, sur l'hypoplasie du VG et la dysfonction cardiaque dans l'hernie diaphragmatique.
Join us for an amazing conference on congenital diaphragmatic hernia:
Joignez nous pour une conférence fantastique sur l'hernie diaphragmatique:
Pediatric Academic Societies 2022 was truly a blast. Some memorable moments of the conference and events, as well as some of the work by the NeoCardioLab and collaborators.
Pediatric Academic Societies 2022 était vraiment génial. Quelques moments mémorables de la conférence et des événements, ainsi que certains travaux du NeoCardioLab et de ses collaborateurs.
Podcast by McGill Medical and Dental Student Podcast on what is it to be a Neonatologist! Thank you for inviting me!
Podcast par le groupe "McGill Medical and Dental Student Podcast" sur ce que c'est que d'être un néonatologiste ! Merci de m'avoir invité!
New cases added to the Vein of Glen Malformation.
Nouveaux cas rajoutés à la section sur la malformation de la veine de Galen.
We updated our section on LV neonatal dysfunction with a new case.
Nous avons mis à jour notre section sur la dysfonction cardiaque gauche néonatale avec un nouveau cas.
We have expanded our section on aortic valvular stenosis.
Nous avons enrichi notre section sur la sténose valvulaire aortique.
Two new cases in the hypertrophy section. One of a patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and the other one of septal hypertrophy in the context of infant of diabetic mother.
Deux nouveaux cas dans la section hypertrophie. L'un d'un patient atteint de cardiomyopathie hypertrophique et l'autre d'hypertrophie septale dans le cadre d'un nourrisson de mère diabétique.
We have expanded the section of Tricuspid atresia.
Nous avons rajouté du matériel à notre section sur l'atrésie tricuspidienne.
You can see some of the Posters of the NeoCardioLab for PAS 2022 here.
Vous pouvez voir certaines des affiches du NeoCardioLab pour le PAS 2022 ici.
Great presentation now available on Tricuspid Atresia. This was done by Laila Wazneh and Marco Zeid for the NICU-Cardio Rounds at the Montreal Children's Hospital.
Magnifique présentation maintenant disponible sur l'atrésie tricuspidienne. Cela a été préparé par Laila Wazneh et Marco Zeid pour les conférence de Néonate-Cardio à l'Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants.
April is Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy awareness month! You can find more information here.
Avril est le mois de la sensibilisation à l'encéphalopathie hypoxique ischémique ! Vous pouvez trouver plus d'informations ici.
March 2022 - Mars 2022
The section on hypertrophy is now updated, and a case was added.
La section sur l'hypertrophie est maintenant mise à jour et un cas a été ajouté.
Now a section dedicated specifically for our families going through therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (cooling), or with a diagnosis of congenital heart defect - for specific family-oriented resources.
Maintenant, une section dédiée spécifiquement à nos familles qui ont un enfant qui nécessitent un refroidissement thérapeutique ou avec un diagnostic de malformation cardiaque congénitale - pour des ressources spécifiques axées sur la famille.
You can now support the mission of the NeoCardioLab through a donation to the Montreal Children's Foundation by clicking here.
Vous pouvez maintenant soutenir la mission du NeoCardioLab en faisant un don à la Fondation de l'hôpital de Montréal pour enfants en cliquant ici.
You can now register here for the McGill University - XIth Neonatal conference on Neonatal Cardiac Issues that will take place virtually on June 1st, 2022. The registration is free of charge, but there are registration fees for those requesting medical education credits.
Vous pouvez maintenant vous inscrire ici pour la XIe Conférence néonatale de l'Université McGill sur problèmes cardiaques du nouveau-né qui aura lieu virtuellement le 1er juin 2022. L'inscription est gratuite, mais il y a des frais d'inscription pour ceux qui réclament des crédits de formation continue.
New material on fetal congenital heart block, fetal supraventricular tachycardia, fetal cardiomyopathy with hypertrophy/pleural effusions/ascites in the fetal echocardiography section.
Nouveau matériel sur le bloc auriculo-ventriculaire complet congénital detecté durant la vie fœtale, la tachycardie supraventriculaire fœtale, la cardiomyopathie fœtale avec hypertrophie/épanchement pleural/ascite dans la section d'échocardiographie fœtale.
Congratulations to Dr Shiran Moore, fellow in Neonatal Hemodynamics Clinical Research at McGill University, for the publication of a case report on the Neonatal Hemodynamics Research Centre website!
Félicitations au Dr Shiran Moore, Fellow en recherche clinique d'hémodynamie néonatale à l'Université McGill, pour la publication d'un rapport de cas sur le site Web du Neonatal Hemodynamics Research Centre!
As a reminder, you can also follow us on Twitter @CardioNeo for updates on the content of the website. Any opinions expressed on social medias and on this platform are solely my own.
Je tiens à vous rappeler que vous pouvez également nous suivre sur Twitter @CardioNeo pour des mises à jour sur le contenu du site Web. Toutes les opinions exprimées sur les réseaux sociaux et sur cette plateforme sont uniquement les miennes.
Now available - fetal Tetralogy of Fallot with Absent pulmonary valve syndrome, fetal hypoplastic left heart syndrome, fetal tricuspid atresia, fetal atrioventricular septal defect and fetal d-TGA in our fetal echocardiography section. ,
Maintenant disponible - tétralogie de Fallot avec syndrome de valve pulmonaire absente, hypoplasie du coeur gauche fœtal, atrésie tricuspide fœtale, canal atrioventriculaire et d-transposition des gros vaisseaux fœtale dans notre section d'échocardiographie fœtale.
We have now expanded our content on brain ultrasound in the POCUS section.
Nous avons maintenant élargi notre contenu sur l'échographie cérébrale dans la section POCUS.
New section dedicated to Fetal Echocardiography now available. We have now posted an Atlas of a normal fetal echocardiography by views with clips and explanations. More to come on pathologies detected by fetal echocardiography.
Nouvelle section déstinée à l'échocardiographie fœtale disponible. Nous avons maintenant mis en ligne un les vues pour une échocardiographie fœtale normale par vues avec extraits et explications. Plus à venir sur les pathologies détectées par échocardiographie fœtale.