Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Disclaimer: this page is dedicated at the assessment of the PDA by echocardiography. It is not meant to discuss therapeutic strategies in the context of left to right PDA. There is current controversy in the literature regarding management strategies in the preterm newborn with a patent left to right ductus. My thoughts on NSAIDs here.
In the Patent ductus arteriosus view - modified upper parasternal short axis view - one may appreciate the patency of the ductus, its configuration, its course, its size and the direction fo the trans-ductal flow. Measurement should be at its narrowest diameters (usually closer to the pulmonary arterial end). Doppler (CW) should be done in order to evaluate its direction and velocity. A large ductus may be associated with rapid equalization of pressure on both side and with low velocity of flow. A restrictive small ductus with low velocity may be indicative of PA pressure closer to Aortic pressure. The large PDA will lead to rapid equalization of pressure on both side. As such, the PDA may be associated with excessive systolic and diastolic pressure and flow in the pulmonary compartment.
Definition of restrictive vs unrestrictive: "Velocity of Shunt Across PDA and Its Significance - Non-restrictive shunts have a low peak systolic velocity with a high systolic to end-diastolic velocity gradient while restrictive shunts have a high peak systolic velocity and a low systolic to diastolic velocity gradient." From reference.
Left to Right Patent Ductus Arteriosus
2D view of a large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) connecting from the main pulmonary artery (MPA) to the Aorta (Ao). The right (RPA) and left pulmonary artery (LPA) are visualized as well.
Colour box on the PDA confirms the left to right direction of the shunt (flow coming towards the probe; from the Ao to the MPA).
Example of left to right PDA by Colour Doppler
Example of left to right PDA by Colour Doppler
Diameter of the PDA
It is good practice to have the ECG and the B-Mode and Colour box in order to clearly identify the ductus at its narrowest point during systole.
Measurement of the PDA at its narrowest point. Often, the PDA diameter is indexed to the left pulmonary artery diameter (or to weight).
Other example of PDA view with RPA, LPA and PDA.
Other example of PDA view with RPA, LPA and PDA.
Diameter of a small ductus measured in 2D and seen in colour on the right panel.
Small restrictive PDA by 2D ultrasound and restrictive profile (high-velocity) obtained by CW-Doppler.
Another example of a small PDA left to right, restrictive. The peak systolic gradient is estimated at 80 mmHg. Indicating that the systolic pulmonary arterial pressure is at least 80 mmHg below the systolic blood pressure at the time of the image acquisition.
In this A4C, the patient with a large PDA left to right has subjective increased LV size and LA size. This is secondary to the increased Qp:Qs with increased pulmonary venous return. The LV/LA dilation may lead to mitral regurgitation and, eventually, appearance of aortic insufficiency. Indeed, with dilation of the structures, these valves may loose some degree of coaptation.
Supra-sternal view to evaluate the arch in the context of large PDA. Presence or absence of underlying coarctation is always a chalenge when the ductus is open. Coarctation may progressively worsen as the ductus closes. PDA progressive closure may further tightened the tissue that surrounds the coarctation shelf. Indicators of coarctation are: posterior shelf, narrow isthmus diameter compared to transverse arch, the presence of bidirectional or right to left shunting via the ductus or a persistent forward flow during diastole by CW or PW Doppler in the descending aorta.
LA/Ao ratio
Large left atrium in the parasternal long axis view. M-Mode may be applied to measure the LA:Ao ratio.
M-Mode of the LA:Ao ratio. Measurement is usually done at aortic valve closure. Increase ratio may be indicative of increased LA diameter (or decreased Ao diameter, or both). Patients with large inter-atrial defect may not have LA dilation if there is sufficient unloading of the LA into the RA via the inter-atrial septum. As such, this is only one of the markers indicative of increased Left to right shunting via the PDA.
PDA Doppler Profile
Unrestrictive Doppler profile of a Left to right PDA. There is rapid equalization of pressure with a low diastolic velocity profile.
Unrestrictive L to R PDA, gradient of 19 mmHg at peak of systole. Rapid pressure transmission to pulmonary vasculature
Unrestrictive pulsatile Doppler Pattern (left to right) of a ductus by CW and PW-Doppler
Doppler Profile in Aorta, Cerebral Artery and Celiac Artery
Retrograde flow in the post-ductal aorta from the supra-sternal view. Often for the best alignment.
Retrograde flow in the post-ductal aorta from the subcostal view in the context of diastolic steal by the left to right ductus.
Subcostal view indicating holo-diastolic retrograde flow in the context of a large left to right PDA with diastolic steal effect.
Subcostal view indicating holo-diastolic retrograde flow in the context of a large left to right PDA with diastolic steal effect.
Various degree of holo-diastolic retrograde flow in the descending abdominal aorta in the context of diastolic steal in patients with left to right PDA.
Holo-diastolic retrograde flow in the descending aorta observed in the subcostal view (PW-Doppler). This can be seen in a conditions with diastolic steal - such as significant left to right shunting via the PDA, as well as other cause of diastolic steal (Vein of Galen malformation, severe aortic insufficiency, aorto-ventricular tunnel, AP window, truncus arteriosus, etc.).
Anterior Cerebral Artery (ACA) PW-Doppler indicative of holo-diastolic retrograde flow. Resistive index (RI), where RI = (Peak Systolic Velocity - End Diastolic Velocity / Peak Systolic Velocity), can be calculated on the ACA or MCA Doppler. A RI > 0.80 has been associated with decreased diastolic velocities relative to systolic velocities in the context of diastolic steal effect from the PDA (or from other conditions with diastolic steal). When retrograde, velocity are considered negative. When absent, they are considered 0, and as such, the RI =1. Here, RI is 1.31.
Visualization of the circle of Willis and MCA flow by anterior fontanelle in the coronal view.
Retrograde flow observed in both the sagittal tansfontanel views for the anterior cerebral artery
Retrograde flow observed in both the coronal tansfontanel views for the middle cerebral artery
Significant retrograde flow in diastole (middle cerebral artery) in an infant with a large ductus arteriosus (left to right) and diastolic steal.
In contrast, this is a patient with normal ACA flow pattern, with a RI = (0.31-0.09)/0.31 = 0.71. As such, the profile has forward diastolic flow.
Sweep from the anterior fontanelle in sagittal view of the neonatal brain. One may observe the lateral ventricles and the anterior cerebral artery pulsation by colour ultrasound.
Normal flow in the anterior cerebral artery. Normal diastolic flow (forward) in an extreme premature newborn.
Flow in the anterior cerebral artery by colour ultrasound.
ACA PW-Doppler indicating some decrease end-diastolic flow.
Examples of transcranial Doppler when one may appreciate the Circle of Willis. The middle cerebral artery is seen coming towards the probe.
Subcostal view of the descending aorta with colour flow. An umbilical arterial catheter is observed with the tip at the level of the diaphragm. The flow in the celiac artery is seen.
Sweep in the subcostal view outlining the flow in the celiac artery.
Normal flow in a celiac artery obtained in the subcostal view. In patients with significant diastolic steal, one may also observe absence end-diastolic flow, or reverse diastolic flow.
Example of celiac artery PW-Doppler indicating that there is absent end-diastolic flow in the context of a patient with a large left to right PDA.
Celiac artery flow with adequate diastolic flow.
In this patient, one can appreciate absent end-diastolic flow, or decreased diastolic flow.
Absent end-diastolic flow in the celiac artery.
2D and Colour ultrasound for visualization of the celiac artery coming off the descending abdominal aorta.
A case of holodiastolic retrograde flow in end-organ arteries
Pulsatile left to right by PW Doppler, unrestrictive.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the post-ductal descending aorta by PW Doppler from the suprasternal view.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the post-ductal descending aorta by PW Doppler from the subcostal view.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the celiac artery by PW Doppler from the subcostal view.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the anterior cerebral artery by PW Doppler from the transfontanelar view.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the middle cerebral artery by PW Doppler from the transfontanelar view.
Restrictive Left to Right PDA
Left to right PDA with a different configuration that is tortuous. Sweep outlining its path from the Ao to the PA.
Example of a sweep with colour of a small restrictive left to right PDA.
Example of high velocity restrictive profile of the left to right PDA. Here the gradient is estimated at 49 mmHg. One shall beware that the Bernoulli equation may under or over-estimate since the PDA is not a pinpoint structure, but rather a tubular structure.
Example of high velocity restrictive profile of the left to right PDA. Here the gradient is estimated at 27 mmHg.
Restrictive left to right CW-Doppler profile of the PDA with high systolic and diastolic velocity, predictive of lower pulmonary arterial pressure.
Small restrictive PDA left to right.
Restrictive PDA left to right, with a peak systolic gradient of 14 mmHg between the Ao and PA.
Small restrictive PDA left to right.
Restrictive L to R low-velocity PDA, gradient of 6 mmHg at peak of systole. PA pressure infra-systemic but 6 mmHg less than systemic. This may be secondary to systemic low pressures, increased pulmonary pressures, or a mix.
Sweep without a PDA
Two examples of the modified high (left) parasternal short axis view. This sweep is important to rule out the presence of a PDA connecting the pulmonary artery and the aorta. In these examples, there is no evidence of a PDA (one must be careful not to miss a Right to Left ductus, which will be "blue" - flow away from the probe).
3D Echocardiography and Navigation for a Left to Right Large PDA
Left to Right PDA Scoring Systems
Signifiance of the PDA (Left to Right) by Sheperd and Noori:
Stead Family Children’s Hospital, Iowa City - PDA screening and management guideline for ELBW infants - Available from the NHRC website
Left to Right ductus is considered significant if:
Ductal diameter is > 1.5mm AND
Predominant (>90%) left-to-right transductal flow AND
PDA shunt volume score is ≧ 6
PDA significance table from the NPE/TNE Teaching manual - The Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, Ireland - Available on the NHRC website
Assessing the "need" for PDA ligation
Application of NPE in the assessment of a patent ductus arteriosus (van Laere D et al.). Pediatric Research (2018) 84:S46 – S56
PDA score by El-Khuffash A. et al.
PDA risk score = (Gestation in weeks × −1.304) + (PDA diameter in mm × 0.781) + (Left ventricular output in mL/kg/min × 0.008) + (maximum PDA velocity in m/s × −1.065) + (left ventricular a' wave in cm/s × −0.470) + 41.
Score ranges between 0 (low risk) and 13 (high risk).
El-Khuffash A, James AT, Corcoran JD, Dicker P, Franklin O, Elsayed YN, Ting JY, Sehgal A, Malikiwi A, Harabor A, Soraisham AS, McNamara PJ. A Patent Ductus Arteriosus Severity Score Predicts Chronic Lung Disease or Death before Discharge. J Pediatr. 2015 Dec;167(6):1354-1361.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2015.09.028. Epub 2015 Oct 21. PMID: 26474706.
Narrowest PDA diameter (mm) by 2D at pulmonary end
Max velocity across PDA ( in m/s);
Tissue Doppler imaging was obtained at apical 4-chamber view. Late diastolic (a′) velocities used at the level of the lateral mitral valve annulus. If the e′ and a′ waves were fused, they measured the single wave as an a′ wave.
El-Khuffash A, Bussmann N, Breatnach CR, Smith A, Tully E, Griffin J, McCallion N, Corcoran JD, Fernandez E, Looi C, Cleary B, Franklin O, McNamara PJ. A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Early Targeted Patent Ductus Arteriosus Treatment Using a Risk Based Severity Score (The PDA RCT). J Pediatr. 2021 Feb;229:127-133. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2020.10.024. Epub 2020 Oct 16. PMID: 33069668.
<29 weeks: echo at 36 to 48 hours of life.
In RCT, infants with risk score of ≥5.0 deemed at high risk for chronic lung disease or death and were randomized
Bidirectional PDA
Bidirectional PDA by Colour.
Right to left gradient in systole indicating that PA pressure are 30 mmHg higher than Ao pressure at peak of systole.
Examples of bidirectional flow via the ductus. This profile may be seen in the context of iso-systemic PA pressures. This could be secondary to high pulmonary pressures, low systemic pressures, a mix, or a large PDA with rapid equalization of pressure on both side of the PDA.
Examples of large PDA with bidirectional shunts. On the first clip, one may appreciate the retrograde flow in diastole within the descending aorta.
Right to left PDA
Right to left PDA indicating that there is supra-systemic PA pressure. This could be due to increased PA pressure, low systemic pressure or a mix of both component.
Example of CW-Doppler in the Right to Left PDA, indicating that the PA pressure is 46 mmHg above the Ao pressure at peak of systole.
Large PDA right to left
Right to left PDA (restrictive profile) with peak at a gradient of 31 mmHg (peak of systole).
Restrictive right to left PDA
Patient with restrictive right to left ductus, with a diagnosis of severe acute pulmonary hypertension.
The same patient with now a bidirectional PDA after initiating therapies for the acutre PH.
Newborn with unrestrictive right to left ductus found in the context of severe hypoxic respiratory failure. Patient was started on iNO and PDA became bidirectional. Inhaled nitric oxide weaned rapidly after reversal of shunt.
Right to left ductus (unrestrictive)
Doppler (right to left) - Continuous Wave
Right to left ductus (unrestrictive)
Bidirectional PDA (unrestrictive) - after iNO exposure.
Bidirectional PDA (CW-Doppler) - after iNO exposure.
Bidirectional PDA (Color M-Mode)
Article - "Echocardiographic Evaluation of PDA in preterm infants"
Created by Gabriel Altit - Neonatologist / Créé par Gabriel Altit (néonatalogiste) - © NeoCardioLab - 2020-2024 - Contact us / Contactez-nous