Congenital Heart Defects and Neonatal Cardiology
The Blue Baby - Neonatal Cyanosis - Differential Diagnosis, Physiology Investigations and Early Management
The Blue Baby - Neonatal Cyanosis - Differential Diagnosis, Physiology Investigations and Early Management
Presentation done at the 11th McGill Neonatal Conference - 2022 - Neonatal Cardiac Issues
Guidelines for the admission of a neonate with congenital heart defects in the early post-natal life
Guidelines for the admission of a neonate with congenital heart defects in the early post-natal life
June 2nd, 2024 - I have participated to the elaboration of our local guidelines for the admission of newborns with congenital heart defect in the early post-natal life. This is for reference only and must be adapted to your own practices, experiences/expertise and realities.
2 juin 2024 - J'ai participé à l'écriture des lignes directrices locales pour l'admission des nouveau-nés atteints de malformation cardiaque congénitale au début de la vie postnatale. ICeci est à titre indicatif seulement et doit être adapté à vos propres pratiques, expériences/expertises et réalités.