TnECHO-Quebec Collaborative Day - 2024

Journée TnECHO Québec 

16 Octobre 2024 

Site : CHUSJ / Salle: 5.11.205

TnECHO Quebec Day

October 16, 2025

Location: CHUSJ / Room: 5.11.205

Zoom Link / Lien Zoom:

ID de réunion: 862 4809 1659

Code secret: 609346

Please put your full name. SVP mettre votre nom complet. 

Présentation projets de recherche des étudiants 8 minutes + 2 minutes de questions 

Student Research Project Presentations: 8 minutes + 2 minutes for questions

15:25: Joshua Hazan Mea (Medical Student): Music during Targeted Neonatal Echocardiography: Insights from Neonatal Healthcare Professionals 

15:35 : Pénélope Borduas (résidente) : Hemodynamic risk factors of pulmonary hemorrhage in preterm infants 

15:45: Sariya Sahussarungsi (Fellow): Feasibility of 4D-Echocardiography for RV performance and dimensions in the immediate postnatal neonatal period 

15:55: Angela Magri (Medical Student): Correlation Between Renal And Cerebral Saturations And Doppler Indices Of systemic Perfusion In Congenital Heart Defects In Newborns 

16 :05: Noushin Roofigari (Resident): Systemic doppler velocities in newborns with Congenital Heart Defects - a prospective study 

16 :15: Abdullah Alghamdi (Fellow): Exploratory Observational Echocardiography Prospective Study in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.

16:25: Pasinee Kanaprach (Fellow):  Micro-premies and Evaluation of Right Ventricle function and Pulmonary Pressure at 4 Months Corrected Age 

Winners in bold for best student presentations.

Dr Neil Patel is a Consultant Neonatologist and clinician researcher. His research focuses on congenital neonatal disease and assessment and treatment of the neonatal circulation.He has a particular interest in pulmonary hypertension in congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Dr. Patel's current research includes record-linkage investigation of life-course in congenital anomalies and application of new sensing technologies in neonatal care. He collaborates with clinical and basic science research groups nationally and internationally. Dr. Patel completed his research doctorate (MD, University of Edinburgh) in 2009.  His research has been conducted at the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne and currently at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow and supported by the Murdoch Children's Research Institute and the Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity.

Dr Neil Patel est néonatologiste consultant et chercheur clinicien. Ses recherches portent sur les maladies néonatales congénitales ainsi que sur l'évaluation et le traitement de la circulation néonatale. Il s'intéresse particulièrement à l'hypertension pulmonaire dans le cadre de la hernie diaphragmatique congénitale. Les recherches actuelles du Dr Patel incluent un projet par rapprochement de dossiers sur le parcours de vie des anomalies congénitales ainsi que l'application de nouvelles technologies de détection dans les soins néonatals. Il collabore avec des groupes de recherche cliniques et fondamentaux, tant au niveau national qu'international. Dr Patel a obtenu son doctorat en recherche (MD, Université d'Édimbourg) en 2009. Ses recherches ont été menées au Royal Children's Hospital de Melbourne et actuellement au Royal Hospital for Children de Glasgow, avec le soutien de l'institut de recherche Murdoch Children's Research Institute et de la Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity.

Haemodynamics in CDH Neil Patel.pdf

Total trial results (severe) and (moderate).


CDH review articles


CDH Guidelines (Canadian) 2023: 


Dopamine effect on PVR?



Pediatric Pulmonology - 2023 - Tsoi - Prostaglandin‐E1 infusion in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn.pdf

Lower PEEP in CDH?


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