Atrio-Ventricular Septal Defect

One great view to visualize the atrioventricular valve (s) is in subcostal short-axis view. The atrioventricular valve(s) are not called mitral or tricuspid. They are usually on the same plane (usually the tricuspid valve is lower than the mitral from the Cranial to caudal plane). 

Type A: Most common type in Down syndrome (Trisomy 21). The superior bridging leaflets are inserted on to the LV by chordal attachments. 

Type B: Least common. The superior bridging leaflets attach to the RV by chordal insertion. 

Type C: Associated with Transposition of great arteries and Tetralogy of Fallot. The superior bridging leaflets have no chordal insertions and are free-floating.

To learn more on atrio-ventricular canal - click here

To learn more on fetal atrio-ventricular septal defect - click here.

Great review of AVSD here, with Rastelli Classification: 

Check out: 

The Rastelli classification of atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) categorizes the anatomy of the common AV valve based on how the chordal attachments of the valve relate to the ventricular septum. This classification is important for surgical planning and determining the complexity of repair.

Rastelli Types of AVSD:

Presentation by Elissa Remmer and Stephanie Mardakis on Atrio-Ventricular Septal Defect

The spectrum of AVSDb.pdf

Case 1

Case 2

Due to the often concomittant "goose-neck" deformity of the LV outflow tract, it is important to rule out LV outflow tract obstruction and/or coarctation in cases of AVSD. 

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