Probe Position

Parasternal Long Axis View

Position of the probe on the chest of the baby to acquire parasternal long axis view (this may slightly depend on each newborn).

Parasternal Short Axis View

Position of the probe on the chest of the baby to acquire parasternal short axis view (this may slightly depend on each newborn).

Apical views

Subcostal views

Subcostal long-axis view

Subcostal long-axis view

Subcostal short-axis view

Subcostal short-axis view

Suprasternal and PDA view

Cheat Sheet by Dr Pasinee Kanaprach for probe position and correspond views

Images from Bijan Siassi. Practical Neonatal Echocardiography. 1st Edition. 2019


Video of a Live Scan

A big thanks to the parents of Aby who accepted to be part of this educational material! Without the involvement of our patients and their families, we would not be able to construct these learning modules. 

Created by Gabriel Altit - Neonatologist / Créé par Gabriel Altit (néonatalogiste) - © NeoCardioLab - 2020-2024 - Contact us / Contactez-nous