PDA Iowa score Calculator
If you are looking to estimate significance of the left to right PDA - one of the most used score has been the Iowa PDA score. Here is the calculator below. A value ≥ 6 is considered indicating echocardiographic signs of hemodynamics significance.
Important references / publications outlining the score:
This article presents a very important Table outlining the methodology to obtain the measurements (Appendix 1)
Of note, according to this publication, the authors will use Acetaminophen as their primary intention for acceleration of ductal closure. Followed by NSAIDs if remains significant.
Pulmonary vein D wave
Mitral E wave
Isovolumetric relaxation time
LA:Ao ratio
Doppler flow reversal
Significant retrograde flow in diastole (middle cerebral artery) in an infant with a large ductus arteriosus (left to right) and diastolic steal.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the post-ductal descending aorta by PW Doppler from the suprasternal view.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the post-ductal descending aorta by PW Doppler from the subcostal view.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the celiac artery by PW Doppler from the subcostal view.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the anterior cerebral artery by PW Doppler from the transfontanelar view.
Retrograde holodiastolic flow in the middle cerebral artery by PW Doppler from the transfontanelar view.