Thank you
Thank you - Remerciements
I want to thank all the foundations and organizations that have supported and continue to support my research at the MUHC-RI and Montreal Children's Hospital. I would also like to thank all the donors and organizations involved in collecting funds to help better pediatric care and further our advancement of knowledge.
February 2025 - We are pleased to announce that NeoCardioLab has received an unrestricted educational grant from Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals to support our educational content across all platforms. This was made possible through a generous donation to the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation, specifically designated to support NeoCardioLab's educational mission. Mallinckrodt provides unrestricted grants to advance neonatal hemodynamics education, ensuring that we can develop and share content freely, without external influence. As a leading producer of inhaled nitric oxide—a critical therapy for infants with significant pulmonary hypertension—Mallinckrodt's support enables us to continue expanding this platform, delivering high-quality educational resources to our community, and advancing knowledge in neonatal hemodynamics, targeted neonatal echocardiography, and cardiovascular management for the most vulnerable patients in our care. We are deeply grateful for their commitment to neonatal education.
2023 - 2027: FRQS - Junior 1 - Boursier du Clinicien Chercheur
2018 - 2020: Masters student support for the Masters in Epidemiology and Biostatistics
We would like to thank the New Directions in Research Grant, supported by the Pedal for Kids (Research in Action) and the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation, for the peer-reviewed competitive grant regarding the SAVING Study. The SAVING BABIES study (Sonographic Assessment Validation study for Neonatal Global health improvement) is in collaboration with: Dr Irina Prelipcean (University of Rochester), Dr Pia Wintermark (McGill), Dr Anie Lapointe (Université de Montréal), Dr Wadi Mawad (McGill), Dr Michelle Ryan (McGill) and Dr Elisa Ruano Cea (McGill). We will investigate the validity of point of care ultrasound markers obtained from a hand-held machine that is low-cost, compared to the standard of care, as an opportunity to expand diagnostic capacities in low resources settings. Thank you!
Thank you for the Grand défi Pierre Lavoie Foundation for their support for a research project on CDH.
Merci à la Fondation du Grand défi Pierre Lavoie pour leur support concernant un projet de recherche sur l'hernie diaphragmatique
Thank you to the Pediatric Research Foundation for their support for a research project on prematurity and steroid (NORDIC-SPEC).
Merci à la Fondation de la recherche pédiatrique pour leur support concernant un projet de recherche sur la prématurité et l'exposition aux stéroides (NORDIC-SPEC).
Thank you to the Mi4 for the Seed grant in partnership with Dr. Evelyne Vinet for the study of maternal-neonatal autoimmune disease impact on cardiac function.
Merci à Mi4 pour la subvention Seed en partenariat avec la Dre Evelyne Vinet pour l'étude de l'impact des maladies auto-immunes materno-néonatales sur la fonction cardiaque.
JFK Foundation gave a generous donation to the NICU in order to obtain the state-of-the-art equipment of the NeoCardio Lab research.
January 19, 2024: I express my heartfelt gratitude to the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation and its generous donors for their invaluable support of the NeoCardioLab. Thanks to their efforts, we have successfully secured funding for a software upgrade for our echocardiography machine and the acquisition of a cutting-edge S9 probe, significantly enhancing the quality of cardiac imaging.
19 janvier 2024 : Je tiens à exprimer ma gratitude sincère à la fondation de l'hôpital pour enfants de Montréal ainsi qu'à tous ses généreux donateurs pour leur soutien précieux envers le NeoCardioLab. Grâce à leurs efforts, nous avons pu sécuriser des fonds pour une mise à jour logicielle de notre machine d'échocardiographie et l'acquisition d'une sonde S9 de pointe, améliorant considérablement la qualité de l'imagerie cardiaque.
Our teams and collaborators
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the incredible nurses in the NICU at the Montreal Children's Hospital for their indispensable role in our research projects. Their dedication and collaboration have been vital in coordinating with families and ensuring the success of our research efforts at NeoCardioLab. We deeply appreciate their invaluable support and commitment. A big thank you to all the members of our team, including nurses, respiratory therapists, neonatal nurse practitioners, students, residents, fellows, doctors, and allied healthcare professionals. Your collective effort and passion are the cornerstone of our success. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to improving neonatal research.
Nous tenons à exprimer notre profonde gratitude aux formidables infirmières de l'USIN de l'Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants pour leur rôle indispensable dans nos projets de recherche. Leur dévouement et leur collaboration ont été essentiels pour coordonner avec les familles et assurer le succès de nos efforts de recherche au NeoCardioLab. Nous apprécions profondément leur soutien inestimable et leur engagement. Un grand merci à tous les membres de notre équipe, y compris les infirmières, les inhalothérapeutes, les infirmières praticiennes néonatales, les étudiants, les résidents, les fellows, les médecins et les professionnels de la santé alliés. Vos efforts collectifs et votre passion sont la pierre angulaire de notre succès. Merci pour votre dévouement sans faille à l'amélioration des soins néonatals et la recherche.
Recipient of the Frederick Banting and Charles Best Award
We would like to thank MedTronic who donated NIRS sensors and landed 2 NIRS monitors for a research project, as part of a research grant.