PUrPOSE Study - Point of Care Ultrasound in CDH: Predicting Outcomes and Success of Extubation

Contact Information

Please contact us if a patient at MUHC or CHOP interested in participating to this study within the prenatal setting, in order for us to communicate with them for consent.

MCH: info@neocardiolab.com and gabriel.altit@mcgill.ca

CHOP: fragam@chop.edu (co-PI - Dr Maria Fraga)

Dr Maria V Fraga and her team from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia are key collaborators. We are launching a study on the use of Lung ultrasound in congenital diaphragmatic hernia -  "PUrPOSE Study - Point of Care Ultrasound in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Predicting Outcomes and Success of Extubation". Dr Fraga is a senior neonatologist, world renowned for her work on point of care ultrasound in the neonatal period. She is the co-chair of the famous POCUS course at CHOP. She is also an expert in hemodynamics management in critically ill newborns. The project we are launching in partnership will be supported by the Frontier Program of Dr. Holly Hedrick, a senior scientist and surgeon at CHOP who has done pioneering work in congenital diaphragmatic hernia and a key member of the bigger team working on PUrPOSE.

Co-Investigators - CHOP: Holly Hedrick, MD; Natalie Rintoul, MD; Anne Ades, MD; Katherine Avitabile, MD; Howard Panitch, MD; Leny Matthews; Jennifer Davis; Juliana Gebbs, MD; Sandy Johng, MD

Co-Investigators – MCH: Guilherme Sant’Anna, MD (Neonatologist); Pramod Puligandla. MD (Pediatric Surgery); Adam Shapiro, MD (Pediatric Respirology); Parent Partners: Ode Lunardi, Alina Gotcherian

Summary Figure (Procedures)

Important Documents (Protocol, Consent Forms, Data collection form)

Purpose-Project_Nov2-2022 (2).pdf
LUSCDH_Nov2_2022 (1).pdf
MVF_ICF_ENG_PuRPOSE_14-12-2022 DV_REBapproved (1).pdf

Procedure for LUS step-by-step at CHOP



Right Lung:

Right Upper Anterior (along mid-clavicular line) – Clip sliding from clavicula to nipple line, followed by one M-Mode acquisition.

B)   Right Lower Anterior (along mid-clavicular line) - Clip sliding from nipple line to costal margin, followed by one M-Mode acquisition.

C)   Right Lateral (along mid-axillary line) - Clip sliding from axilla to costal margin (where you visualize the lung-diaphragm interface), followed by one M-Mode acquisition.


Left lung:

A)   Left Upper Anterior (along mid-clavicular line) - Clip sliding from clavicula to nipple line, followed by one M-Mode acquisition.

B)   Left Lower Anterior (along mid-clavicular line) - Clip sliding from nipple line to costal margin, followed by one M-Mode acquisition.

C)   Left Lateral (along mid-axillary line) - Clip sliding from axilla to costal margin (where you visualize the lung-diaphragm interface), followed by one M-Mode acquisition.

If Left CDH: 

If Right CDH: 

Video on How to Perform the Lung Ultrasound

Thanks to Daniela Villegas Martinez for the filming!

A special thanks to Dr Maria Fraga from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (co-PI of the PuRPOSE Study) for reviewing the content and providing guidance for the preparation, orchestration and content review. 

Thanks to Florence and her family for accepting to be part of the filming!

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