SANE-Ug Study

Principal Investigator: Dr Pia Wintermark

How to use the probe

How to do the cardiac imaging

How to do the brain imaging

Once a module is completed - Fill the form

Head Ultrasound presentation by Dr Wintermark


Cardiac Protocol by Dr A. Lapointe

Echocardiographic protocol for SANE-Ug


Vital signs:

HR : BP :

Bring the room dark.

Wash your hands and clean the probe and the IPad with wipes.

Plug in the Butterly iQ+ on the IPad and open the Application.

Install yourself comfortably at the bedside. Bring the Ipad close to you in a manner you can press buttons for analyze and saving.

Put the ultrasound Gel on the Probe

Identify the patient: Study ID, WEIGHT, BP, echo DAY 2 4

Start scanning.

IMAGES and clips to be collected:

A) Apical view

a. Clip of 4 chambers in 2D with view of TV and MV opening and closing

b. PW Doppler at the tips of MV and TF leaflets

c. Clip of 5 chambers in 2D

d. Clip of 5 chambers with Doppler color in the ascending aorta.

e. PW Doppler at the AV. Save the frozen image of the Doppler.

f. Clip of TV with color Doppler

g. TAPSE of RV (line across the apex and lateral border of the TV) and MAPSE (line across the apex and lateral border of the MV)

B) Parasternal long axis

a. Clip en 2D

b. Mmode for LA :Ao ratio

c. Mmode perpendicular to the IVS at the level of MV leaflets

d. Clip on TV (2D and color Doppler)

e. Clip on PA in 2D and color Doppler

f. Doppler PW at the PV. Save the frozen image of the Doppler.

C) Parasternal short axis

a. Clip at the level of papillary muscles.

D) High parasternel view (PDA view)

a. Clip 2D

b. Clip Doppler couleur

E) Subcostal view

a. Clip 2D and color of PFO

F) Middle cerebral artery (MCA)

a. PW Doppler in the MCA.

Hemodynamics in HIE by Dr Anie Lapointe

Some of the images within this document were taken from the online-accessible Rotunda Hospital (Dublin, Ireland) - NPE/TNE teaching manual - available here. PDF available here. This manual was developed by Dr. Afif El-Khuffash . This module was developed by Dr Anie Lapointe from CHU Sainte-Justine / Université de Montréal.

Hemodynamic assessment for SANE-Ug.pdf

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