
Case 1

It is important to measure the diameter of the ascending, transverse and descending aorta. In this suprasternal view, one may observe a posterior shelf (posterior aortic wall), as well as a narrowing at the level of the isthmus. It is important to assess this area with colour flow and CW-Doppler. Coarctation is a systemic-ductal dependent lesion.

One may appreciate the acceleration of flow at the level of the narrowing, as well as the right to left shunting via the ductus necessary for perfusion of descending aorta.

Case 2

Small aortic isthmus measuring 4 mm in diameter. Coarctation. Peak gradient at 42 mmHg into descending aorta by CW-Doppler. Abnormal flow patter in the abdominal aorta with extension of Doppler flow in diastole. 

Case 3

Added October 29, 2023

PDA view outlining that the PDA is closed

View of the arch outlining severe coarctation at the isthmus

Turbulence by Doppler (aliasing) in the context of the acceleration of flow through the obstruction

CW-Doppler outlining a gradient of 47 mmHg through the coarctation.

B-Mode outlining the hypoplastic Ao arch at isthmus level.

Measurement of the segment affected, as well as the diamether at the isthmus

Recommendations for measurements of the Aorta

Created by Gabriel Altit - Neonatologist / Créé par Gabriel Altit (néonatalogiste) - © NeoCardioLab - 2020-2023 - Contact us / Contactez-nous