At Heart of the Matter Study

Dr Vinet is a rheumatologist at the MUHC. She is an epidemiologist with a research focus on rheumatological conditions during pregnancy. She has done pioneering work on  improving reproductive health outcomes in women with rheumatic diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and their offspring. She has created the world's largest cohort of offspring from SLE women, which has driven novel findings demonstrating that SLE offspring are at increased risk of autism spectrum disorders, congenital heart defects, and stillbirths. She is also actively spear-heading research initiatives to elucidate how therapies used to treat rheumatic diseases (e.g. TNF-inhibitors and other biologics) impact health outcomes in these patients and their offspring. We are privilege to work in collaboration with Dr Vinet on the At the Heart Matters project, supported by Mi4.

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Echocardiography Protocol Example - Video



A big thanks to Jake Rose and Omar Idrissi (both medical students at McGill University) for accepting to be volunteers in creating these videos for training!

Un grand merci à Jake Rose et Omar Idrissi (tous deux étudiants en médecine à l'Université McGill) d'avoir accepté de se porter volontaires pour créer ces vidéos de formation !

Echocardiography Protocol

1)     Parasternal Long Axis View :

a. 2D-grayscale at Aorta-Mitral valve level

b. 2D-color at Aorta-Mitral valve level

c. 2D-grayscale of zoom of Aortic Valve (to measure LVOT)

d. 2D-colour on zoom of Aortic Valve

e. M-Mode at Left Atrium / Aorta junction for : LA/Ao ratio

f.  M-Mode at tip of mitral valve

g. 2D-grayscale of tricuspid valve (scan posteriorly)

h. 2D-color of tricuspid valve

                                               i. CW Doppler of tricuspid valve to obtain Tricuspid regurgitant jet if present.

                                              ii. PW Doppler at inflow portion for E/A

i.   2D-grayscale sweep to RVOT

j.   2D-colour at RVOT

k. 2D-Zoom of Pulmonary valve

                                               i. PW-Doppler at RVOT

                                              ii. CW-Doppler through RVOT (especially for pulmonary insufficiency jet)


2) Parasternal short axis (PSAX) view:

a. 2D-grayscale at Pulmonary valve and Aortic valve level

b. 2D-Colour at Pulmonary valve and Aortic valve level

                                               i. PW-Doppler at RVOT

                                              ii. CW-Doppler at RVOT (especially for pulmonary insufficiency jet)

c. M-Mode at left atrium – aorta junction

d. 2D-grayscal Sweep from aortic valve to LV apex

e. 2D-colour sweep from aortic valve to LV apex over interventricular septum

                                               i. CW Doppler of tricuspid valve to obtain Tricuspid regurgitant jet if present.

                                              ii. PW Doppler at inflow portion for E/A

f.  M-Mode at Tip of mitral valve in PSAX

g. 2D-grayscale view (at least 3 beats) at mitral valve level

h. 2D-grayscale view (at least 3 beats) at mid-papillary muscle level

i.   2D-grayscale view (at least 3 beats) at LV apex level


3) Apical View

a. 2D-grayscale Apical 4 chamber view in 2D – LV focused with Left Atrium

b. 2D-colour over Mitral valve

c. 2D-grayscale Apical 4 chamber view in 2D – RV focused with Right Atrium

d. 2D-colour over Tricuspid valve

e. PW below the tricuspid valve for E/A velocities

f.  PW below the mitral valve for E/A velocities

g. CW-Doppler of tricuspid valve to obtain Tricuspid regurgitant jet – even if unavailable, please record so that we can do a systolic-diastolic time ratio.

h. Color on left atrium with low-velocity filter for pulmonary vein

                                               i. PW-Doppler in right upper pulmonary vein

i.   M-Mode in A4C for the Lateral wall of the RV to get TAPSE (line of interrogation should ideally cross the Apex).

j.   Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI)

                                               i. TDI on RV free wall below the tricuspid valve

                                              ii. TDI on LV free wall below the mitral valve

                                             iii. TDI of septum below the attachment of mitral valve

k. Apical 3 Chamber view of LV in 2D-grayscale

                                               i. Apical 3 chamber view in 2D-Color to see flow from mitral through Aortic Valve

1. PW at LVOT

2. PW in cavity to measure the isovolumetric relaxation time (inside cavity in A3C)

l.   Apical 2 Chamber view of the LV in 2D in 2D grayscale (make sure to have all the LV walls)

m. Colour over Mitral Valve

                                               i. PW below Mitral Valve in A2C

n. 3D LV volume, 3D RV volume

                                               i. Capture using High Volume Capture

                                              ii. Capture using 4 beat acquisition


4) Subcostal (if possible – difficult during pregnancy):

a. Subcostal long axis:

                                               i. 2D-grayscale and 2D color over the inter-atrial septum (for inter-atrial shunt)

b. Subcostal short axis:

                                               i. 2D-grayscale and 2D color over the inter-atrial septum (for inter-atrial shunt)

                                              ii. 2D-colour over the descending aorta

                                             iii. PW of the descending aorta.

                                             iv. 2D + Colour over IVC and subhepatic veins

                                              v. PW of the subhepatic veins


5) Suprasternal notch:

a. Aortic Arch in 2D-grayscale and 2D-color

                                               i. PW in Ascending Aorta

                                              ii. PW in Descending Aorta

b. Branch Pulmonary artery (Moustache view)

                                               i. 2D-grayscale and 2D-Color

1. PW in LPA and in RPA if possible

Atlas of measurements

Atlas NeocardioLab_1 (1).pdf

Data collection

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