AVSD Rastelli C with Pulmonary Atresia
Example of an unbalanced AVSD with pulmonary atresia. This case presents an atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) with ventricular imbalance, a dominant right ventricle, and a hypoplastic left ventricle. Free-floating chords extend to the papillary muscle at the right ventricular apex-free wall (Rastelli C). The branch pulmonary arteries originate from the duct.
Apical view with B-mode. Unbalanced AVSD with right ventircular dominance.
Apical views and appreciation of the ventricular imbalance, sweeps to outline the anatomy of the atrioventricular valve and attachments
Pulmonary Atresia. Here we appreciate the apical and parasternal long axis views of the aortic valve and ascending aorta. B-mode on the apical, colour on the parasternal.
Parasternal views: Aortic valve coming out of the dominant right-sided ventricle.
Short axis of the aortic valve. Below, we appreciate the branch pulmonary arteries.
Tortuous, pulmonary atresia-type duct in red, feeding the branch pulmonary arteries.
Colour outlining the duct again feeding into the branched PAs.
Short-axis sweep.
Colour-mode of the aorta. One may appreciate the tortuous PDA at the isthmus in red feeding into the branched pulmonary arteries.
B-mode of the aorta. One may appreciate the tortuous PDA at the isthmus.
Aortic valve and evaluation of the coronaries.
Subcostal of the SVC and atrial septal defects.
Subcostal view of the descending aorta. IVC and hepatic veins.