Line position

Sweep in subcostal view showing a catheter in the right atrium

Subcostal short axis identifies that the catheter is in the inferior vena cava and enters the right atrium to reach the SVC. Catheter has to be pulled. 

Here one can appreciate that the umbilical arterial line is too deep inside the right atrium (subcostal view).

Subcostal view - once line is repositioned, we can observe its adequate position at the IVC-RA junction.

In these views, you can see the umbilical venous line going towards the IVC-RA junction, with a zoom in the left-panel.

Cross-section of the aorta. The catheter (umbilical arterial line) is seen abutting on the left wall of the aortic lumen. 

An umbilical arterial line is seen in the descending aorta. 

Umbilical venous line too deep

Sweep in the subcostal view seeing an umbilical venous line from the ductus venosus, into the IVC and into the right atrium - being too far and slightly crossing to the left atrium. Sweep.

Line seen too far, crossing the right atrium and entering the left atrium through the foramen ovale. 

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