Students - Étudiants

McGill University:

Sariya  Sahussarungsi (Neonatal Hemodynamics Fellow)

Fellow in the Neonatal hemodynamics clinical research Fellowship Program. Sariya was a fellow in Neonatal Perinatal Medicine at McGill - during which she started her work in research at the NeoCardioLab. She has started Neonatal Hemodynamics Fellowship at McGill in July 2024.

Project: 3D LV and RV volumes, rotational properties, at 48 hours of transition. Presented at World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology 2023. Accepted for Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Societies 2023.

Data Analysis ongoing.

Pasinee Kanaprach (Neonatal Scholar Program)

Pasinee was previously fellow in the Neonatal hemodynamics clinical research Fellowship Program 

Started: July 1st, 2023 - ongoing. 

Project: Long-term cardiac phenotype at follow-up by echocardiography in infants born extremely premature

Project 2: Cerebral saturation by near infrared spectroscopy in newborns with congenital heart defect and its association to Doppler parameters of the anterior cerebral artery. Accepted for Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Societies 2023.

Phoenix Plessas-Azurduy (MSc Experimental Medicine - McGill University)

Phoenix will be working on a population of newborn exposed to milrinone in the NICU and will look at echocardiographic signs of response to the medication and profile of these infants. Award: McCall MacBain Scholarship (10,000.00$). Phoenix will also be working on the SPEC Study and SAVING study. 

Status: Data extraction

Nikola Wilk (Resident in Internal Medicine)

In conjunction with Dr Evelyne Vinet as a co-supervisor, Dr Wik will be looking at the strain of fetuses with exposure to maternal lupus and other rheumatological conditions. 

Preliminary results accepted for Canadian Rheumatology Association conference 2022. Abstract presented at PAS 2022. 

Manuscript in submission.

Joshua Hazan Mea (Medical Student)

Joshua will be involved in the NORDIC-SPEC Study. He will also be involved in investigating strategies to improve neonatal comfort during TnECHO and point of care ultrasound. Joined our team in December 2023.

Noushin Roofigari (Resident in Pediatrics)

Noushin will be involved in the post-natal cardiac transition by echocardiography in infants with Congenital Heart Defects. She is interested in pediatric cardiac sciences and is currently a resident in general pediatrics at McGill University. Joined our team in December 2023. 

Noushin has worked on the upcoming NIRS Atlas to be published in 2025 - for which we were invited contributors for the CHD section. 

Silvia Nogara (Post-doctoral student - Neonatology)

Silvia is from the University of Verona, Italy. She is a doing a 6 months research elective at the NeoCardioLab. She will be involved in the data extraction of the Nordic-PREM study - analyzing 3D echocardiography and speckle-tracking. Silvia started her work in January 2024.

Silvia is also working on the ECHOES study.

Angela Magri (Medical Student)

Angela will work with Dr Roofigari on the post-natal cardiac transition by echocardiography in infants with Congenital Heart Defects. Joined our team in March 2024

Abdullah Alghamdi (Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellow)

Abdullah will be working on the NORDIC-CDH study. He will be finalizing the data collection for the echocardiography scans that were performed in a multi-centric fashion.

Shahad Daali (Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellow)

Shahad is involved in the data extraction of the Nordic-PREM study - analyzing 3D RV echocardiography and speckle-tracking. Shahad started her work in July 2024.

Paulami Sen (Medical Student)

Paulami will be working on a database of delayed cord clamping and its effect on early cardiac function. She joined our team in January 2024. 

Lauren Perlman (Medical Student)

Lauren will be working on a database of cath-echo relationship in the evaluation of the ductus arteriosus.

Mark Fitzpatrick (Medical Student)

Mark joined the NeoCardioLab in March 2024. He is investigating the association between delayed cord clamping and cerebrovascular integrity in extreme preterm newborns.

Tatiana Amaya Quintero (undergraduate student)

Kinesiology student (BSc) currently engaged in converting 3D echocardiography volumes of newborns from various studies into Cartesian maps. This process facilitates volumetric analysis using 3D-Slicer. 

Status: Data extraction in progress.

Université de Montréal

Camilo José Lopez Ibarra (Post-graduate fellow in fetal cardiology)

Fetal strain in borderline left ventricle, as a predictor of post-natal requirement for intervention. 

Co-supervision with Dr Marie-Josée Raboisson (Chief of Pediatric Cardiology at CHU Sainte-Justine)

Status: Manuscript preparation

Alexie Fonta Holder (Medical Student)

Alexie is a medical student supervised in collaboration with Dr. Anie Lapointe from Université de Montréal on a project as part of the FREEDOM study. The focus is on extracting strain measurements from the fetal hearts of fetuses diagnosed with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. 

Current Status: Data extraction in progress.

Concordia University

Eliana Saba (undergraduate student)

Student in Biochemistry at Concordia University. Eliana is doing a volunteer research experience at the NeoCardioLab, helping in various projects: recruitment, data collection, data consolidation, research procedures.

Presented the cardiovascular results on a long-term HIE cohort at the Congres Mère enfant 2023. 

Biran V, Saba E, Lapointe A, Macias CM, Mawad W, Martinez DV, Cavallé-Garrido T, Wintermark P, Altit G. Cardiac function at follow-up in infants treated with therapeutic hypothermia for neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Pediatr Res. 2024 Oct 31. doi: 10.1038/s41390-024-03694-3. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39482497.

Maéva Royer (Collégial international Saint-Anne)

Various research tasks over 2023 and 2024. Started as summer student in the lab. 

Projects and/or work completed

Carolina Michel (Neonatal Hemodynamics Research Fellow)

Fellow in the Neonatal hemodynamics clinical research Fellowship Program 

Started on September 6, 2022 - Finished training in September 2023.

Project: Left ventricular dimensions at near-term corrected age and growth parameters in infants born extremely preterm. Manuscript published here

Project: Cerebral and renal saturations by near infrared spectroscopy in newborns with Congenital Heart Defect during the transitional period. In data analysis. Presented at World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology 2023. Accepted for Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Societies 2023. Manuscript in production. 

Sam Amar (Medical Student)

Project: Fetal Coarctation - Strain by Speckle Tracking Evaluation. Manuscript published: 

Amar S, Moore SS, Wutthigate P, Ohayon A, Villegas Martinez D, Simoneau J, Renaud C, Altit G. Gestational age-specific markers associated with postnatal intervention in fetal suspicion of coarctation of the aorta. Am J Perinatol. 2024 Apr 3. doi: 10.1055/a-2298-4670. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38569505.

Project 2: Fetal Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia - Strain by Speckle Tracking. In data extraction.

Mach-Gaensslen Bursary; Foundation of Canada, $3,200.00.

Nicholas McCutcheon Research Bursary ($2,000) in Medicine from the Fall 2022 Research Bursary Program competition

Alexandra Dimmer (MSc Student - Experimental Surgery)

General surgery resident doing a MSc in Experimental Surgery under the supervision of Dr Pramod Puligandla (Director of CDH Clinic). Prospective study on the quality of life in pediatric/adolescent population with CDH. Study using data collected in the context of the NORDIC-CDH program.

Abstract presented at numerous conference (APSA 2024, TnECHO-Qc Research Day 2023, Provincial Pediatric Research Day 2023)

Manuscript published: Dimmer A, Meehan M, Beauseigle S, Koclas L, Paquette K, Michel Macias C, Moore SS, Sant'Anna A, Shapiro A, Simoneau J, Villegas Martinez D, Altit G*, Puligandla P* (*co-last authors). Disease severity impacts perceived quality of life in congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a prospective observational study. Arch Dis Child. 2024 Apr 8:archdischild-2024-326906. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2024-326906. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38589198.

Wael Abdelmageed (MSc Student - Experimental Medicine)

Co-supervision with Dr Natalie Dayan. Studying the impact of gestational hypertension on neonatal neurodevelopmental outcomes in those born at extreme of prematurity

"Abdelmageed WA, Lapointe A, Brown R, Gorgos A, Luu TM, Beltempo M, Altit G, Dayan N. Association between maternal hypertension and infant neurodevelopment in extremely preterm infants. J Perinatol. 2024 Jan 29. doi: 10.1038/s41372-024-01886-7. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38287138."

Thesis completed and approved (graduated). 

Joanne Delanay (Resident in Pediatric Hematology Oncology)

Co-supervision with Dr Catherine Goudie. Studying the impact of gestational hypertension on neonatal hematological factors in those born extremely prematurely.

Delaney J, Nunes GC, Simoneau J, Beltempo M, Malhamé I, Goudie C, Altit G. Thrombocytopenia and neonatal outcomes among extremely premature infants exposed to maternal hypertension. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2023 Feb;70(2):e30131. doi: 10.1002/pbc.30131. Epub 2022 Dec 7. PMID: 36478101.

Mounya Duggal (Medical Student - McGill University)

Mayssa Moukarzel (Summer Undegraduate student)

Mayssa will be helping in the research activities of the NeoCardioLab. She will be involved in the data extraction of some of the prospective studies. Summer 2021. 

Participate in the data collection of the SPEC trial, as well as in the data collection for the Lupus project of Nikola Wilk

Madison Meehan (Medical Student - McGill University)

Project: Cardiac evaluation of survivors with CDH 

Involved in the data collection of the NORDIC-CDH study

Gabriela Simoes Lopes-Letendre (Elective - College Student)

Study: HIE vs controls - Semester exposure to research.

Ouma Thibert (Elective - College Student)

Study: HIE vs controls - Semester exposure to research.

Thomas Sonea (Medical Student - Université de Montréal)

Evaluation of lung ultrasound score in the context of prematurity and exposure to post-natal steroids

Thomas helped with the data extraction of the NORDIC-SPEC

Matthew Mazzarello (high school student)

Various research tasks over the summer 2023. Summer student. 

Presented: Fractional tissue oxygen extraction in neonates with congenital heart disease at the Congres Mère enfant 2023.

Chloe Moazzami (Medical Student - Université de Montréal)

Echocardiographic assessment of pulmonary pressures and right ventricular function in the premature newborn during pediatric life

Status: involved in the data extraction

Amanda Ohayon (MSc Student - Experimental Medicine - McGill University)

Co-supervision with Dr Evelyne Vinet and Dr Lawrence Rudski. Will be studying the impact of lupus on maternal and neonatal cardiovascular health.

Manuscript production. Graduated MSc Program. MSc thesis available here. Manuscript in submission process. 

2023 RI-MUHC Desjardins Studentship in Child Health Research. The RI-MUHC - Desjardins Studentship in Child Health Research selected her application entitled "Two-Dimensional Fetal Cardiac Deformation Exposed to Maternal Rheumatologic Conditions by Speckle Tracking Echocardiography" submitted in the fall of 2022. This award is valued at $10,000.00 for one year.

Justine Morin (Medical Student)

Publication - "Exposure to maternal acetylsalicylic acid and the risk of bleeding events in extreme premature neonates"

Status: Completed

Project 2 on the Left Atrial pressure and Wedge pressure in the context of ductal closure by cath - Data collection. 

Armin-Shahin Safai-Naini (Medical Student)

Armin was involved in data collection for the NORDIC-Prem study

Tamires Guimarães (Neonatologist - Federal Fluminense University)

Study: Tamires Guimarães will be working as a volunteer student researcher at the NeoCardioLab and will be working on data extraction for ongoing prospective studies. 

Valérie Biran, MD (Visiting Professor - Neonatologist - Université de Paris)

Biran V, Saba E, Lapointe A, Macias CM, Mawad W, Martinez DV, Cavallé-Garrido T, Wintermark P, Altit G. Cardiac function at follow-up in infants treated with therapeutic hypothermia for neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Pediatr Res. 2024 Oct 31. doi: 10.1038/s41390-024-03694-3. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39482497.

Michael Zrihan (Occupational Therapy Undergraduate Student - McGill University)

Michael was working on a project related to long-term outcomes of adults born with CDH. He will also compare the results of controls to our CDH population, regarding their quality of life questionnaires. 

© NeoCardioLab - Gabriel Altit - 2020-2025
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