ELBW in first 72 hours Cardiovascular monitoring 

References for normal blood pressure in premature newborns:

Giesinger RE, McNamara PJ: Hemodynamic instability in the critically ill neonate: An approach to cardiovascular support based on disease pathophysiology. Semin Perinatol 2016;40:174-188.

Mean blood pressure by age and GA (10th percentile) [1,2]: Based on the study by Nuntnarumit et al. [2]: “Gestational age and postnatal age dependant nomogram for mean blood pressure values in neonates during first 3 days. (…) Each line represents the lower limit of 80% confidence interval of mean blood pressure for each gestational age group. Thus, 90% of infants for each gestational age group are expected to have a mean blood pressure equal to or greater than the value indicated by the corresponding line.” [1]

(1) H William Taeusch M, Ballard RA, Gleason CA, Avery ME: Avery's Diseases of the Newborn. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2005.

(2) Nuntnarumit P, Yang W, Bada-Ellzey HS: Blood pressure measurements in the newborn. Clinics in perinatology 1999;26:981-996, x.

Corresponding blood pressure (90th and 10th percentile) by weight: De Luca D, Romain O, Yousef N, Andriamanamirija D, Shankar-Aguilera S, Walls E, Sgaggero B, Aube N, Tissières P: Monitorages physiopathologiques en réanimation néonatale. Journal de Pédiatrie et de Puériculture 2015;28:276-300.

Treatment of hypotension and hypoperfusion

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